Thursday, October 24, 2013

things i'm loving.

I realize that most of the time, my blog posts are centered around one top. JQB.  I cannot help it. My world revolves around that little man and he is the most special thing on this earth to me.  However...I need to use this space to express myself in other aspects of my life, not just the mothering part.  I want to expand my horizons and leave my comfort zone.  Talk about other things! (disclaimer: I'm not saying I'm 100% comfortable in parenting at all times. It is the hardest yet most rewarding job I've ever had.  Something new is thrown at you daily! Sometimes literally!)  I just feel this urge to talk about him on the daily and post sixty million photos. As much as I LOVE that part... Time to switch things up!!

So back to what I was saying... I wanted to just start somewhere small...get my feet wet I suppose. So here's one of my first posts where I talk about things. Random things. Who doesn't love that?

One. J.Crew.  Why does it have to be so wonderful and so wonderfully expensive? Why must I have expensive taste?  I just don't know that I can justify spending (on sale!!) $54.50 on a skirt. Geeze.  To be fair, I think I'd wear it all of the time and it is dang cute. But no. I can't.

Two.  Ritter's Frozen Custard.  Am I the only person that craves ice cream when the weather starts getting colder?  And it doesn't help that they send out promotional emails. Teasing me.  I can tell you that frozen custard is NOT in my eating plan for today (or any day really!)
Photo from the promo email.

Three.  Soup.  Fall is upon us and there aren't many things better for lunch than a (giant) mug of warm soup.  Campbell's has so many flavors that I love.  Today I enjoyed some Chicken Corn Chowder.  I'm not mad about it.  I'm also not mad about the lovely fall view from my desk.  I wish the trees were this interesting more times out of the year!

Four.  My husband.  I came downstairs this morning to find this.  And it made me smile.  He's usually still sleeping when I left so this was a very pleasant surprise.  He can be nice some days. ;)

Five.  Christmas card planning.  There will have to be a post on this topic alone. I cannot wait to get this all figured out. I love this kind of stuff....  Here are some that are inspiring me this week...  Some are from Minted and some from Shutterfly.

It is just another reminder that the holidays are around the corner. This time of year is  Bring it.  To see more "all things holiday" check out this Pinterest board.  Which also reminds me that I could blog on the daily about my love for Pinterest.  Maybe another day!

I think that should be enough randomness for today.  It feels good.  Just a small taste of what I'm interested in outside of my mothering/wifely/working duties.  I could get used to this type of outlet.  I should make it happen more often.

Thanks for reading :)

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