Tuesday, March 4, 2014

500 Festival Training Series 10K Recap


Another successful training run on the books!

The weather was cold but not too cold.  No rain, no snow. Even more people than at the last training run.  The atmosphere was just what I love.

The week before this run, I was able to complete 5 miles running so I knew I could rock this 10k.  I tried to keep the positivity from last week's run and let it carry over into this one. But honestly, for me, it is hard not to get butterflies or get super excited once you pick up your race bib.  I cannot imagine I'm the only one out there that feels this way. The bib just makes it so real. 

I know it is was just for training but I love to see my progress and to get to run with hundreds of other people? All of us with the same goal? Amazing.

We all got lined up and it was time to start.  I was feeling much better this time than last time, and even started listening to a running playlist on spotify.  Although the music was up-beat and kept me going, I honestly cannot say that I could identify any of the songs I heard so next time I'll put in a little more effort and actually make myself a playlist.  That should only improve my mental state even more next time.

This run was great.  The only trouble I had was in the beginning.  I felt like I just could get a good pace and I think it may have been from starting in the back. I just never know where the "good" place to start is. I'm not fast by any means and I'm not just walking...so where does one start?!  But once I was able to find a few people running about the same pace as me, we were off.  We ran through some places I was completely unfamiliar with, but that also made the run more interesting.  I was able to see parts of the city I'm not used to seeing. That's for sure!

We ran near Lucas Oil Stadium and lots of people were pointing in that direction. Running can be so fun. I never imagined it a sport that included sight-seeing. But I love it all.

I don't have anything super fun or exciting to say about the 6.2 miles other than the fact that my body and mind felt really good the entire time.  I was able to keep my breathing regulated (a huge deal for me!) and kept the cramps away.  My legs felt strong and I just kept going.

I kicked it into high gear as usual for the finish and it just felt so good.

I am already excited for our 15k in April and the half marathon in May.  This training is going so well and I have made so much progress in the last year. I'm ready to kill it.

My official race results (after compiled by the wonderful people at the 500 Festival):

bib number: 1415
age: 30
gender: F
location: FISHERS, IN
overall place: 441 out of 800
division place: 35 out of85
gender place: 168 out of433
time: 1:03:25
pace: 10:13
guntime: 1:05:01

I am taking this and using it as motivation for the next one. Hooray.
I never thought in a million years I'd be talking about such things. Life is good.

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  1. great job! :) Such a difference one year can make!

    1. Thanks friend! It is amazing how much progress can be made in a year! Totally motivating to keep moving forward!

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