Thursday, November 7, 2013


Found on this blog. Another one to add to my list!

 According to this article, here are the habits of happy people. After first reading about the article on another blog (a must read - check her out!!) it really got me thinking.  Do I have any of those habits?  I like to think of myself as a happy person that has a pretty optimistic outlook (for the most part!)  Do I agree with these habits?  Are there more that I'd add to this list?  

Here's the list according to the article:

Here's one thing that I personally would also add based on my life experiences thus far:

Having a child.  I have never experienced such joy and love until Jackson became a part of our lives.  I have never been so proud on a daily basis.  My boy makes me so incredibly happy.  And looking back after typing this, I do realize that having a child is not a "habit of a happy person" but I can tell you that having a child has changed my life in a very positive way, thus making me a happier person.  That's why it is counted on my list :)

And on a silly note, I love food.  Food makes me happy.  Especially if it is a night with just me and my little one.  This week Todd was out for a work meeting so we had dinosaur nuggets, corn, and (the best part...) mac and cheese.  I don't know if there is anything about this that wouldn't make someone happy!

I would love to hear... what do you think makes a person happy?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I love this-A positive attitude definitely leads to a positive life. "Fake it until you make it..." I am happy to be surrounded by your positivity! It makes for a happy day for sure! :)
