Thursday, October 10, 2013

Jackson Quincy - Birthday Flashback

With Jackson's 2nd birthday approaching this weekend... I (Todd and I) are feverishly working around the house to get projects done and I'm also crafting my little heart out to make this a party to remember.  I think that this types of things are part of the excitement of being a parent.  I would do just about anything to put a smile on that boy's face.  

Anyway...  the purpose of this post today is to turn back in time and look at Jackson's first year of life.  So without more explanation, please enjoy (and get your tissues ready, I have mine!) this video that Todd put together for Jackson's first year.  I love it SO much.

And since I don't have the actual video to post (due to technical external hard drive issues...) here is a picture because a post is not complete (in my opinion) without a photo.

I'm currently working on his Year Two video.  Unfortunately due to some technical difficulties, the video won't be ready for the party in a couple of days (BOO.) But, when it is finished, I'll post that one as well.  And I'm sure you'll need more tissues. ;)

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