Friday, October 25, 2013

on being 1950's housewife(ish)

Get ready for some rambling.  I tend to do that when I write. So just brace yourself.  And is it just me or do I look tired in that photo?  Well. I live tired. Hmmm.  Anyway...

Who knew that taking our brisk afternoon walk out to the parking lot after work would really get my mental juices flowing?  After typing that... sounds a little bit gross.  But that's not the point of this conversation.  So, let's get to the point.

After having a couple of conversations while at work today, I've just confirmed that I am not the career-driven kind of person that some are.  My number one goal in life is to make sure that Jackson, and my family are taken care of and provided for.  

Is it bad that I am happy in my 7-3:30, Monday-Friday job?  Is it bad that at the end of the day, I can lock my computer and walk away with a smile on my face, not worrying about what is left on my "to-do" list until I arrive again tomorrow morning?  I am just not the girl that strives for more schooling, for big promotions, or what's the next big thing? I just don't have that drive.

My drive is my family.  To make sure that we are fed, clothed and (hopefully) clean.  I love to make dinner for my family and have it ready when Todd gets home. I love sitting at the dinner table, the three of us, discussing our days.  I love (and hate) trying to keep our house clean and the keeping the laundry (somewhat) done. All of these things are what truly make me happy.  Taking care of and enjoying every last second spending time with my family.

Even though I love having a day job (most of the time), I love taking care of my family.  I love being a little bit domesticated.  Sometimes I wish I had more opportunities to be domesticated.  Maybe that will come with time.

With that said, thank you Marcie for pointing out that I'd like to be "a 1950's housewife".  I can handle that. In fact. I kind of like it.  And our conversation struck me enough that I honestly really felt the need to write it down.  So I'm glad I did.

Happy Friday!

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1 comment:

  1. love it. i've always said i'd be a great 1950s housewife if i werent so sassy :)
