Monday, March 3, 2014

Motivation Monday: 03.03.2014

Last week was a pretty productive and positive week!

Monday 02.24.  Thought I'd give TRX a try. HA.
I followed this video and did 3 exercises, 10 reps each. And I tried doing a few pushups also. My abs....all of ribs. So Sore.  From approximately 30 reps. Apparently that crap works.  And apparently my abs and back are weak. True story.

Tuesday 02.25. my schedule had 4 miles.  I was in the best mood, pumped up and ready to run.  Got on the treadmill and just couldn't pull it off.  2 miles done and done.  I was a sweaty mess and couldn't shake the unpleasant feeling in my stomach.  Sometimes running at the "end" of the day is harder...maybe from using up so much energy during the day?

Wednesday 02.26 l.a.z.y. the end.

Thursday 02.27. I got up at 4:45am and WENT TO THE GYM.
Yes, you read that correctly.  I did it.  Without too much effort to actually get out of bed. Strange.
I am still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that the last time I made an early morning trip to the gym...was 7 months ago. WHAT in the world?!

This is me. Just call me Bag Lady.  Freshly showered and headed back to the car to drive into work.  And I'd just like to mention that I got up, out of bed, to the gym, ran 3 miles, cooled down, showered, got ready, drove to work...and got to my desk by 7:20am.  That feels awesome.  AND not to mention that by the time I got to work, I had burned as many calories as I normally do between 12-1pm! #winning

p.s. I am obviously a big fan of my Mean Streets t-shirt from last summer.  It is honestly one of my favorite t-shirts to workout in... really soft and longer than many of my other t-shirts. Anyway, back on track...

July 2013

Friday 02.28. Rested.

Saturday 03.01 - I did This!  Recap to come! Spoiler alert.... #nailedit (at least that's how I'm feeling about it!)

I hope you had the most wonderful week, what does your fitness week hold?! Happy Monday!!!

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  1. Way to go friend-Keeping me motivated!! You are nailing it!
