Tuesday, December 17, 2013


As Sunday evening...I'm feeling like a very different, very motivated individual. In so many ways.  And now that I really put some thought into it...this year (the year I turned 30) has been a year of many changes.  Changes all for the good. And I am so thankful to sit here and look back on these changes.  I'm hoping I don't forget any... ;)

1. I started running.  I really started running.  March 2013 I signed up for the Mini and started running.  And other than taking a couple of weeks off here and there... I still haven't stopped.  I've NEVER been a fan of exercise, it was something I knew I should do but did not enjoy it. I am a different person now.  Running may be good some days and it may be great (or even terrible!) other days but I have been fairly consistent and haven't stopped yet.  I think I may have found something...
And I couldn't have done it without the encouragement of my family and friends. 
I love you guys.

2. I have been running and think I may have (at one point) been in the best shape of my life.  I have muscles? (Sorry about this photo, Ally!) It is just so strange to me to look back at photos of myself and see that I am strong?!  I'm not used to this girl and I really, really, really hope she'll stick around.  JUST the motivation I need.

3. I cut 8+ inches off of my hair and donated it :) I never thought I'd see a day when I'd cut all of my hair off again. And I did!

About a week before:
(again, you can thank me later for another awesome photo!)


About a week or two after the cut. Whew. I'm still kind of amazed that I did that. Again. lol

4. I turned 30.  Not much I could do about that change...but I did celebrate that change.  I am a grown up now?  I am LOVING it.

 5. After starting at an office is 2005, I got a new job.  Almost 8 full years after starting my first office job, I started in a new office with new (friends) co-workers.  That has been an adjustment and I honestly never thought I'd see the day.  I am still proud of myself for making such a big change and it has brought nothing but positive energy into my life.  Thank goodness.

Now. Here we are.  Nothing too exciting to report from September to today.  I do however have the itch. The feeling like something good is going to happen.  2014 is going to be a good year I know it.  So many things to look forward to.  

And NO. I'm not pregnant.  But maybe someday in the future I'll be lucky enough to be pregnant again and give Jackson a sibling. Now is not the time but I feel good about it.  

Next year is looking pretty good.  I have so many things on my mind, even today.  I'm feeling so. good.  I just had to write it down.

Thank you for sticking with me.

Love, Me.

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  1. This is a great post! So uplifting. (between sept and now- you became the mother of an official toddler 2 year old!- that's hard work so take credit where credit is due!) XOXOXO and HERE is to an amazing 2014. Let's make this year amazing. Happy Hollerdays!
