Monday, October 28, 2013

Motivation Monday - 10.28.2013

Here's what happened in my little fitness world last week:

Monday - 10.21. - Weight Training or Cross Training

Pinterest workout to the rescue.  This one was no joke.  And to be honest, when I needed a break between each exercise, I would "run" into the laundry room and switch a load of laundry or pick up in the kitchen. Always moving but seriously needed to stop and catch my breath a little!  The only thing I altered from this workout was substituting the reverse crunches with a time plank.  I only did this because I wasn't 100% certain on how to do a reverse crunch and didn't feel like looking it up.  I'm lazy like that.  But. The plank.  It has been awhile since I've done these consistently and I have quickly forgotten how good/hard they are!  Makes me want to start up the #plankaday challenge again.  Anyone interested in joining me?

Anyway...back to the workout...Thanks to the lovely Ashley for posting this!  It definitely gave me the workout I was looking for!  (p.s. do yourself a favor and check out her blog. She really does some amazing things.)


Tuesday - 10.22. - Run 1.5 miles

Nothing exciting to report other than that I completed my mileage.  That and I think my shoe pod shows that I am running much faster than I actually am.  A girl can dream.  Once I finished that run, I practically ripped off my workout tank and sprawled myself across my bed.  To cool off and of course (and most importantly!) to finish the episode of Nashville that I had been watching while running. It really does help to pass the time.  The whole (less than) 17 minutes of my workout. lol.

Wednesday - 10.23. - Weight Training or Cross Training

Does walking around Target and Old Navy count as cross training?  If so, I totally nailed it. Until I went home and ate Oreos and some potato chips after Jackson went to bed.  Sometimes this girl just needs some junk food.  Don't judge.  At least I ended up hitting my calories burned goal and my moderate activity goal.  I suppose it could have been worse.


Thursday - 10.24. - Run 1.5 miles
Side note: I'm excited because I have officially logged into MFP for 40 days in a row.  And I can honestly say that I've tracked my food each and every day.  I may not have remembered to "complete" my diary entries every single day but at some point I'm tracking what I'm eating.  That is an accomplishment.  Happy dance anyone?

Friday - 10.25. - Cross Train or Rest - Rest I did!! But I did end up hitting my moderate activity, steps and calorie deficit goals. So not a bad day really!

Saturday - 10.26. - Rest - I was supposed to run but had a day full of plans.  I also woke up to my knee hurting for no apparent reason.  So I decided to take a break.  Still hit a couple of my activity goals and even my 8+ hours of sleep goal.   That never happens! 

Sunday - 10.27. - Run 2 Miles - I did it!  Sore knee and all.  I ended up burning 2710  calories yesterday with 1 hour and 30 minutes of moderate activity and 30 minutes of vigorous activity... with 17,718 steps taken!!  Running two miles and taking a 2+ mile walk with the family really boosted my activity yesterday.  It was a really, really good day.

But now, after all of that knee is really sore.  Really sore.  But I actually find that the more I'm moving, the better my knee feels.  I have no idea what it is but my knee is so.sore.  It hurts the most this morning but I'm really hoping that as the day goes on, it will start to feel better.  I will probably end up taking it easy today.  I don't want to actually injure myself!  Time for some Ibuprofen with my breakfast :)

Here's what my goals/running/training week looks like this week (Monday 10.28 - Sunday 11.03):

Monday: Weight Training or Cross Training (with a sore knee, we'll see what actually happens!)
Tuesday: Run 2 Miles
Wednesday: Weight Training or Cross Training
Thursday: Run 1.5 Miles
Friday:  Cross Train or Rest
Saturday:  Run 2.5 Miles
Sunday:  Rest or Easy Walk

Here's to making it a happy and healthy week!!

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