Thursday, January 16, 2014

Motivation Monday (or Thursday!)

This post includes all types of motivation...not all are fitness related this week!  So just be ready for random ramblings...because that's what I do!

As you know, I've started off this year with a great sense of motivation along with a most positive mindset and I'm letting it take over ...really going with it.  I've restarted my fitness and nutrition routine and we've started saving our money like crazy.  

It feels so good! If only I could express to you how happy it makes me.  I feel like our lives are more organized and that we are happier.  Because we've been planning, it gives me less time to worry or stress out about the little things.  We just go with the flow and enjoy every minute we have together as a family.  Nothing about that sounds negative to me!

For the last two weeks, we've really been planning a menu and sticking to a strict list at the grocery store.  2 weeks in and going strong.  It should be a habit pretty soon, right?  My "goal" was for us to spend around $100 per week on groceries for our entire family.  That includes things we need to get us through the week for breakfasts, lunches and dinners.  This last weekend, we hit our goal again!

I am honestly so very proud of us.  I really hope this trend continues because I feel like we are really tackling these things as a team and making stuff happen.

In other financial-related motivations, we have been doing such a good job of cutting our spending. I started talking about cutting our spending here.  Outside of paying our usual monthly bills, I  believe the only other purchases we've made this month include groceries, gas and my half-marathon entry fee.  It will be SO nice to see our bank account at the end of the month (3 pay days this month, woot!) and know that we saved so much.  So many fewer transactions.  I am so happy that we're doing this and so thankful for such a wonderful teammate in this journey.  I feel like we are getting along and helping each other out even more so far this year and I like this trend. 

Now to switch gears a little bit...

In the fitness world, things are finally starting to pick up the pace and I'm starting to try and find my running groove again.  This week marks 2 weeks in a row that I've been staying on track with scheduled run/walks.  It has been a long time since I've been consistent.  And since I've been starting to run and make healthier choices, I can already feel a difference. That is motivation.  

Also, something I am a little giddy and excited about.  Nike has a new running coach that's a part of the Nike+ app.  Although I won't be using it quite yet, I am going to give it a try as I train for my upcoming Mini Marathon in May.  Apparently it is a run coach that also gives you cross training workouts to do as well. I'm really looking forward to trying it out.  I am such a big fan of Nike so I hope this lives up to my expectations!  

Its all set up to help me train for May so it looks like in a couple of weeks it will remind me that we're supposed to start training.  Can't wait!!

p.s. 303.6 miles of training to go? Say what?!  Maybe I shouldn't have looked at that (giant!!) number...

Anyway, in the spirit of motivation, yesterday we had a baby shower with muffins, donuts, cupcakes, cookies, etc.  And I didn't eat a single thing.  So I'm giving myself credit for that.  #winning I hope to keep that in mind as we are moving towards the weekend.  The nice thing about watching your spending and sticking to a menu and shopping list?  No snacks in the house.  Therefore I have nothing extra to stuff my face with! :)

And to switch gears just one more time...  

Here's another kind of motivation/inspiration.  The blog world.  I came across one of the most beautiful blogs this morning.  After looking it over quickly, I was immediately struck by the beauty in the everyday photos.  This woman seems like a pretty amazing mom (and photographer!) and both of those things really inspire me.  I want to have wonderful memories and beautiful photographs that tell the story. In short, if you want to see some beautiful photos, read some wonderful stories and just feel good, check out Annapolis & Company.  It honestly encourages me to keep taking pictures, to try and make them better everyday and to have fun with my little family.  I am feeling very encouraged and inspired today!

I think that's enough random for today. I'll be back tomorrow to share a my first video...compiled of a fun and snowy day. I hope you'll like it and I hope that it keeps me motivated to make more videos in the future.  (Jackson and I watched it together last night and he was a fan, so at least I know that one person will like it!) So anyway, stay tuned! 

um. how many times did I say the word "motivation" today? Geeze. I'm on my own nerves. ;)

Happy Thursday my friends!

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