Wednesday, October 30, 2013

from where i sit: jackson's room

Todd left for Chicago for a work trip Monday night.  So until Wednesday evening, Jackson and Ally and I are hanging out.  Tuesday evening after finishing a delicious dinner, we played upstairs in Jackson's room.  Easily my favorite room in the house.  And this was my view. 

So here we were...just enjoying this play time together.  Gosh. He's at a pretty fun age.  Can we bottle it up? :)


And something I just noticed.  Just 8 months ago. Jackson's hand (the same one you can see holding the cup in that photo...) looked like this:

photo taken February 12, 2013.

It is literally amazing how well it has healed.  And to think I was so worried. It was 8 months ago.  Time. Has. Flown.

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1 comment:

  1. Love this! It's the little everyday moments that make it all so special. :)
