Wednesday, April 9, 2014

mid-week thoughts. and randomness.

today is wednesday and i haven't blogged since friday of last week and before that, it is hard for me to remember when i actually sat down to write something.  and today i don't have anything really important to say but feel like i needed to just get out some things that are on my mind lately.  things that i'm thinking about, motivations, inspirations, etc.  so prepare yourself for all things random. and i am totally not kidding when i say random.

let the games begin.
  • i posted this photo on instagram yesterday. (i'm not the type of person to post things in order to seek out attention or praise, etc.  i promise it wasn't for that purpose.)  i came across the old photo within the last week and was amazed by how much i've changed since then. 

considering the first photo was 3 years before having a baby and the second photo is 2 1/2 years after having a baby... i never would have imagined it.  it honestly amazes me how much you can change when you really set your mind to something. my lifestyle has changed so much and i am more athletic (athletic, for me...) than i have ever been in my whole life.  i never imagined my lifestyle would change so much and i really love it.  i love that i am running around with jackson and not just sitting all the time. i am much more motivated to get up and get out there. take him out to play. i've never been an "outside" person and now we are always trying to find something to do out there, some place to go. it. feels. good.
  •  speaking of athletic... i cannot help but think about the awesome weather that is to come this weekend and how i need to get outside. now i'm ready to get in some mileage.  i'm actually feeling a little antsy this second.  the sun is shining and i'd rather be out and about than sitting in an office. so. who wants to play hooky?
  •  we played at the park last night and it was was chilly but here are a couple of photos and a funny (hilarious, in my opinion!) video from our little adventure.  i will treasure these forever. so thankful for my husband actually taking some pictures and videos last night, i'm rarely in them!  i hope jackson will find this just as funny as i do...when he grows up ;)

 i haven't laughed that hard in a really, really long time!

  • so our plan is to transition jackson to a toddler bed. next week. woah.  i have more thoughts on that coming up in another post. why is it that these things make moms so emotional?! why do they have to grow up so fast?!
  • today i would love to eat a cheeseburger.  it has been a couple of weeks and now that the season is warming up, isn't it time to grill out? where is your favorite cheeseburger from?  mine just might be from five guys.  cannot get enough of that greasy burger. gross. and delicious. all at the same time!

  •  i am ready to start having dinner on the patio, or going out to dinner and sitting outside while we eat. that is one of my most favorite things to do when the weather is warm. seriously i need this to happen. soon.

  •  where did my little blonde baby go?
  • when will this be happening again?

  • my 6 year anniversary is coming up on saturday. wow. time is flying. i am so excited to spend some quality (outdoor) time with my boys to celebrate. how have i been married for almost 6 years?

so if you made it this far, i'm a little bit (okay... more than a little...) proud of you. my thoughts are a little bit all over the place. i'm craving a good outdoor run, some greasy food, cold wine and time outside with food and family. maybe all at the same time? if possible?

sounds like someone has spring/summer fever. who's with me?

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