Monday, October 21, 2013

Motivation Monday - 10.21.2013

Here's what I accomplished last week:

Monday - 10.14. - a whole lotta nothing! And it was perfection.

Tuesday - 10.15. - I restarted the half-marathon training program today. Did a warm-up and 1 mile run. With a little bit of cool down after.  I actually ran much faster than I had expected to. It felt really good!

Wednesday - 10.16 - strength training. I did a short (very short) workout that I found on Pinterest.  Although I ended up sore from the push-up (hurts so good!!) I want to point out that the "want to burn a quick 100 calories?" wasn't exactly accurate for me.  I wore my Nike gps watch (used it as a calorie tracker only with my heart rate monitor) and according to the watch I only burned 42-43 calories and I followed the workout exactly. So, I did it twice! And added in planks each time. That got me close to a quick 100 calories and honestly I was a little sore from those dang push-ups! And... two days later, I was sore... deep in those abs. They do exist!

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Thursday - 10.17. - rest! I woke up with a scratchy throat and just felt generally exhausted. So I'm going to switch and rest today and try to do my one miler tomorrow! The cool and gloomy weather didn't help either ;)

Friday - 10.18. -  Since I took Thursday as a rest day, Friday meant completing a 1 mile run.  So when I got home from work, I ran upstairs, got changed and hopped on the treadmill.  It actually felt really good!  And I'm glad because it made the Qdoba we ate afterwards feel much more worth it!  
p.s. running on the treadmill is so much more bearable and motivating when you watch The Biggest Loser at the same time! It makes the time go by so much faster. Gosh. I Love.That.Show.

Saturday - 10.19. - Rest!  Still not feeling 100% so I took another rest day.  And I rested so much in the morning.  Laid around until the late afternoon.  I must have needed it because after Saturday I started feeling so much better!  It is so important to listen to your body!

Sunday - 10.20. - #sundayrunday - Looks like this week I ended up switching my Saturday and Sunday workouts.  So Sunday afternoon I completed 1.5 miles on the treadmill.  And after Jackson's nap we went to the zoo so I ended up getting in quite a few steps and lots of calories burned. It was a nice and active Sunday!
p.s. The Colts Won! :)


I can tell that I am starting to feel so much better the more active that I am.  It really does help me to be in a better mood and just have a more positive outlook.  I love it.  That does help me want to continue this progress!  I just need to keep moving!!

Goals/Training Plan for this week (Monday 10.21 - Sunday 10.27)
Monday: Weight Training or Cross Training
Tuesday: Run 1.5 miles
Wednesday: Weight Training or Cross Training
Thursday: Run 1.5 miles
Friday: Cross Train or Rest
Saturday: Run 2 miles
Sunday: Rest or Easy Walk

Happy Monday!

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1 comment:

  1. Nice stats for yesterday-- especially the sleep! I know that's always the challenge for you ;)
