Monday, October 14, 2013

Motivation Monday - 10.14.2013

Oh Motivation Monday!  Although I only got in one short run last week, I was able to keep the level of activity up!  I've posted the last week according to my bodymedia armband.  

The view on my Tuesday afternoon "run". I only made it 0.66 miles before I had to stop and walk. I'm guessing a heart rate of 183 is a bit on the high side, no?  As much as I loved it, I think to get back in the groove of running, I should probably just hit the pavement solo.

This is where we ran.  This is just a few minutes away from our house and has a one mile(ish) loop around the "lake". It is actually so nice, and something more interesting to look at than houses through the neighborhood!

That is probably the most activity I've had (without actually completing a long run or some type of workout) in a LONG time.  That's what happens when you host a party at your house with several small children and close to 30 people! I loved every single minute and wish that was the kind of exercise I could get more often without actually working out!

And I'm kind of proud to say that I've really been tracking my food (good and bad) and have logged in to MFP for 30 days straight.  That is an accomplishment!  The only day I didn't log my food all day, was yesterday.  I was too exhausted from the previous week.  I needed a day to relax.  And that is exactly what I did :)

Goals for this week:

1. Try running (again) but this time without pushing an almost 30lbs toddler.
2. Keep on tracking my food and keep up with the calorie deficit.
3. Maybe (finally) give T25 a try? Now that I'm not party prepping every.single.evening.
4. Try evening walks with the boys and maybe even Bella (our dog). The weather is too nice to pass up!!

I hope we can all make it a very productive and active week!


Because I'm totally lame... I forgot that I actually took photos on our little outing last week.  So... here they are.  He was the best running buddy.  If only I had the energy to actually run and push the stroller at the same time! 

My view as we were coming back to the car. So close...yet so far... I was ready!

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1 comment:

  1. I'm right there with you. Let's do this! Motivation Monday!!! :) You can do it!!
