Wednesday, March 5, 2014

gym prepping - early morning workout motivation

recently i've found myself having a little bit of trouble on my afternoon runs on the treadmill.  i don't know if it is just that i'm a little too tired, or too hungry after driving to and from work ... oh and working for 8 hours in between ... and my body just isn't into it?

so i thought why not try and make a morning trip to the gym? i used to go in the mornings a couple of times a week and cannot say that i ever regretted going.  the most important step of leaving your house on or before 5am? getting out of bed. that is the toughest part. once you're up... you're up.  at least that's how i am.  literally turning of the alarm and putting my feet on the floor is the worst part. and then i'm okay!

to get myself pumped up (as much as one can be pumped for the alarm to go off at 4:30am...) i started a search on pinterest (duh) for inspiration and motivation to get myself out of bed super early.  here are some of my favorite finds:

pinned here
pinned here
pinned here
pinned here
oh and one of the best sayings around (which can be applied to many situations in life!) is this:
fail to plan = plan to fail.

so plan is what i did.  

since i hadn't packed for an early workout session in about 7 months, it was like starting from scratch.  so i spent about 30 minutes before bed gathering all of the essentials and prepping as much as possible.  the last thing i wanted to do so early in the morning was search for something i needed.

so i took the time to gather and prep.

this included getting the coffee set up, packing a breakfast and lunch for the next day. i try to set everything out (obviously i keep things cold in the fridge but have a lunchbox ready to throw it all in, first thing!) and run through the list of things i need/want in my head. i would hate to forget something so early in the morning!

since i don't live close enough to the gym to run home after my workout, i need to pack up everything i need. shower supplies, clothes for work, etc.  so not only do i prepare my exercise clothes, i also need my clothes for work, all of them. and don't forget a change of shoes!

it is also a good idea to have a an empty water bottle so you don't forget to grab one on your way out.

i have to say that i felt like such a bag lady that morning. and it was really fun cramming all of that stuff in my gym locker. but. it was so worth it. i do not regret that early morning workout at all. and was able to get up, get in 3 miles on the treadmill, showered and to my office by 7:20am.  not a bad start to the morning, huh?

i'm hoping to try again this week. i'm tempted to take a class or get to the gym just 10 minutes early as to get the treadmill of my choice this time. i am not complaining because i'm happy that others are choosing to be healthy but is it that all of the treadmills are full at 5:15am? :)

what is your favorite time of day to workout? do you have any tips to share with me to keep me motivated? i'd love to hear what you have to say, sharing these types of things helps to hold us all accountable and keeps us moving forward!
anyone else hitting the gym super early this week?

have a good day my friends!

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  1. Looking at all the stuff you had to pack reminds me of why I HATED going to the gym in the morning. Just too much hassle!!!

    1. The first time getting stuff packed up can be a little annoying but once you are in the habit... no hassle at all. Just takes getting used to!

  2. Congrats girl. Stay motivated and you will be happy you did!! Maybe downsizing to travel size- shampoo/conditioner, etc. Or refillable bottles- might help downsize bags. If that fails, also maybe a nice new bigger duffle bag, that way you are bound to use it and not wanting to waste money. :) Way to go and stay motivated. I want to grow up to be like you someday!! xoxo

    1. I like the idea of a new duffle bag...but what girl doesn't love the idea of a new bag? ;) and honestly, thank you so much for the encouragement!!!!
