You MUST watch this. I cannot watch it without cracking up. Seriously. I heart Ellen. Honestly, it wouldn't be Halloween without one of these videos. Happy Sunday!! And because it gives me anxiety to post without a's my 70's baby from this morning. Gosh. He's cute. The end.
i won't say much because i do not have the words. although this is not something that i have experienced personally, the loss of a child... it is a sensitive topic and hard to put into words all of the feelings...
t…Read More
six years.
considering our anniversary was april 12th... it is probably about time for me to actually publish this post. oops. i just like to keep the celebration going? or something like that! ;)
since our anniversary…Read More
wordless(ish) wednesday: 2 legit....
meagan is she made these signs for me to help cheer me on as i ran the mini this last saturday. todd took a couple of pictures of jackson holding the signs and they are some of my faves. thank you meaga…Read More
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