Friday, January 3, 2014


Hello my friends.

I'm happy to report that it is Friday and that even though this is my second work day this week, I'm ready to go back home :)  I'm sure the frigid Indiana temperatures, several inches of snow and 2 hour commute to work yesterday have nothing at all to do with it!  
(Check out that high temperature for Monday... YIKES.)

Anyway... time to snap out of it and think positive.

This weekend is all about planning. I am a list maker and a plan setter.  So I'm feeling totally comfortable and in my element!  So what does out weekend look like?  Menu planning and budget setting. Getting stuff done! I'm feeling really good about all of it and I love watching progress.  Todd and I started working on a new budget last night.  We had previously used Mint and last week Todd came across a new (to us) app online and now we're checking out LearnVest and seeing how we like it.  

(above images via LearnVest)
So far so good! We are able to link our mortgage loan, credit cards, bank account, car loans, you name it!  Although it hurts just a little to see how much you owe on your mortgage and cars on a daily basis. ;)
Although I'm still learning how it all works, I'm excited to really get a plan this weekend and get our financial goals and budgets for this year set!
And if we choose to, we can speak with an expert, a Certified Financial Planner for a 15 minute session. I'm not sure if we'll take advantage of that opportunity just yet but it is always an option.  Because just like anything free... of course you can upgrade your account and work more with the expert.  But for now we'll start out with the free account. Especially since we are trying to save money this month!

More planning... food planning.  Trying to set a menu and grocery budget is tough work.  But it will make our lives easier come Monday evening when it is time to get dinner on the table!  What are you favorite week-night recipes? Please share!!  We are going to try and get a plan together so we have a few meals that are healthy and somewhat easy to throw together.  I'm not the biggest fan of cooking but I want to make healthy choices but have time to spend with my boy in the is basically the only time during the week that I get!

Here are some of the recipes I've been looking at and maybe adding to our menu soon! To be honest, they just look and sound delicious so I"m not sure if they'll make the cut but gathering ideas is a pretty fun part of menu planning.  Except that it is making my hungry and it is not even 10am. Oops.


I just hope that there is a way to make those meals somewhat healthy because they look amazing!

Oh and more planning... gym and workout planning! After talking with Meagan yesterday, we are going to try and keep each other motivated and attempt to become morning gym goers!  We may be crazy but both of us have been checking out some 5am classes and we both know that we will truly feel better and more motivated each day if we start it off right!  I was really debating on cancelling my gym membership this month.  But I know that if I really truly use it, I will not regret keeping it.  I just need to USE IT.  Here's the schedule next week. I need to get my butt back in that gym!!

Has anyone tried any of these classes yet? I'm very interested in the Strength and Endurance and Strength and Flexibility classes.  Both of which I think would be really good for me.  What about cycling? It hurts my butt so much but I know it is a terrific workout.  I need to get over myself and get BRAVE.  Try something new.  And I'm sure I'm not the only one saying this and may need to show up to classes 30 minutes before they start to get a spot.  Everyone having their new exercise resolutions and all... hello new year!

I hope that everyone has a fabulous weekend and if you live anywhere near my neck of the woods...stay warm!  This weather is crazy and as some would say, it is polar bear cold!  Keep warm and have a wonderful weekend friends!!

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1 comment:

  1. I will say that Strength & Endurance made me want to punch a bitch. That is all.
