Tuesday, July 22, 2014

back on track!

after being away from home the majority of the last 10 days and working a full day (eating peanut butter and jelly for lunch because we had zero other options at home!) my body was craving some really good food!  i went straight from work to the grocery store.


does anyone else crave healthier foods after awhile?  i wouldn't say that my diet was the worst while on vacation but it wasn't the healthiest. and i drank more soda in that week that i have in months. so maybe it was kind of bad?! ;)

anyway. i'm feeling super motivated and ready to get back on track with my eating, exercise and sleeping.  oh the sleeping.

i'm also finding new motivation on my health journey by following this lovely lady. jess. over the weekend she did a fitness competition (her first!) and although she didn't win, she still has the best attitude and outlook on life in general. i've been following her on instagram for quite a while now but for some reason, her motivation and success has really struck something in me lately. so i'll keep following her and it honestly helps me feel like i'm getting myself back on track.  i'm not interested in any type of fitness competition or anything, but i am interested in getting in the best shape of my life. and that's kind of what she's doing. she strives to live a happy and healthy life and i really want that too!  so if you are interested, she vlogs daily and seriously, her attitude is the best!!

anyway. so now that i'm home and we're getting settled back into our normal routine (we have nothing on our calendars for lots and lots of weekends to come... how crazy is that?!) i'm feeling such a sense of motivation to keep moving forward in a positive direction.  and now that our refrigerator has been restocked... i'm looking forward to making some of my favorite (21 day fix approved) meals!

from looking at the photos, i'm sure you can figure out what my favorites are ;) what can i say? i find something i love and stick to it!

 (i should have eaten my breakfast before posting these photos. my stomach is growling so.much. right now.)

here's to a happy and healthy day!  as i type this, todd just suggested a family run/walk this evening and it kind of made my day. i'm looking forward to this day so much. and now... to eat my breakfast...

happy tuesday my friends!!


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  1. I'm right behind you. Getting ready to start the 21 day fix and going to the grocery tonight! More fresh blueberries this weekend!

    1. Yum! We made blueberry muffins with ours and brought the leftovers to share. John loves blueberries and he approved! :) Have fun and eat them up for us!! p.s. you will love the 21 day fix! <3
