or when you are expecting a baby! that's right, baby brink #2 is on the way and growing every single day! due to arrive in september, we are so thrilled to have this little one join our family of three. my (baby) jackson is going to be a big brother?! how could this be? i have a few pictures to share but for today, i'll leave you with our little pregnancy announcement video. i have to admit that i had the cutest little helper in the making of this video!
i hope you liked our little video and if you'd like more updates, please come back and join us! i'm hoping to start posting a little more regularly... we shall see. ;) today marks 16 weeks and the time is starting to fly. we officially have 25 more days until our 20 week ultrasound. oh. em. gee.
also, how could i possibly feel the nesting bug already?! happy weekend!
my sweet valentines... 2014 edition
Get ready for yet another photo overload! Because that's what I do.
Valentine's Day started with a regular work day and turned in to a big, snowy, slippery mess. My drive home should have taken me a…Read More
snow day success!
Wow. What you're about to see is Real.Life. I mentioned in yesterday's post that I was going to be spending my snow day doing some seriously cleaning. And I did just that. Serious cleaning. I swear we…Read More
yet another snow day...time to take advantage of it!
So today I'm at home once again thanks again to another winter storm. I am not complaining, I love it when my work tells me to go home and stay home! As long as we're safe and warm, I'm so very happy to be here!
Tod…Read More
enjoying the quiet.
Most afternoons I am able to leave work before 4pm. That gives me time to either come home and get in a run, get dinner prepped or even get a couple of small chores done before I pick Jackson up at school a little afte…Read More
one whole year.
honestly cannot believe how quickly this year has gone by. One year
ago my little baby was having surgery to repair his tiny fingers. I
remember being worried sick about this surgery and crying about it on…Read More
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