Monday, December 9, 2013

Motivation Monday - 12.09.2013

I have one word for you this week. Failure.


I ran once.

For only one mile.

Time to step up my game and stop stuffing my face.

Tomorrow I need to hit the refresh button and get it done. I don't want my hard work to slip away in a matter of a week or two and start new, lazy habits and let the weight start to creep back.  Not. Gonna. Happen.

What inspires you to workout when you have plenty of excuses to keep you from actually going through with it?  Let's keep each other motivated!  Let's not let the holidays and cold weather hold us back from meeting our goals!!

Let's kick butt this week...happy Monday!





1 comment:

  1. Let's do it. And let's set up a run for this weekend. Short but good one! :) I'm with ya!
