Monday, December 2, 2013

Motivation Monday - 12.02.2013

So I'm pretty much a terrible person and did not exercise much last week. At all.  With the exception of completing the Drumstick Dash!  That is literally the only day that I did any type of exercise.  Working and holidays really get in the way sometimes. ;)  So here's a recap from the race.  My first thought when I think back to it. In one word. BRRRRRR.  

As seen below.  Here's the temperature right before we left the house...

Once we arrived to the Broad Ripple area, it was time to hop on the shuttle (school bus!) over to the race site!

Then we found the turkey. And posed for photos. Obviously.


Right before the race officially started.  Apparently there were around 18,000 people signed up.  That is crazy!  I heard a rumor from some fellow participants that this run is now ranked #5 in the nation for the number of participants in a Thanksgiving Day race.  That is insane for this little place in Indiana!

My official race results:
 3830  226  ASHLYE BRINK             FISHERS IN         F 30  11:05    51:32.3
Not too bad, right?! Considering I was moaning and groaning through at least the 
entire second half (sorry about that, Meagan!) I'm surprised we actually finished in 
a decent time!

After we finished, I have never wanted a cup of hot coffee more.  It was pretty good. 

I'm really glad I was able to move my booty that morning considering I ate SO much food later in the day. Gotta work for it and we did...and we enjoyed it.

I'm thankful that I got to do this race with my sister and my friends (you can check out Marcie's recap, here). I wish I would have been able to spend more time with everyone...this girl was freezing and ready to get home to her little buddy.  And eat. Don't forget about that part.  

Who's signing up to run again next year?! ;)

Goals for this upcoming week:

Monday - Weight training or cross training (or in my opinion, sleep)
Tuesday - Run 4 miles
Wednesday - Cross Training
Thursday - Run 3 Miles
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Run 6 miles

I need to get my butt in gear. I only exercised once last week and I need to get my mileage back up.  I'm already trying to decide if Saturday is going to be an indoor or outdoor run.  I think the weather is warming up this week but by the end of Thursday/Friday we are expecting snow?!  Oh Indiana weather.  Please, please make up your mind!

Here's to a good detoxing week my friends!  Time to get back in the game! At least for me. No.More.Leftovers.

1 comment:

  1. You only beat me by like a half hour ;) Nice work! And, no. I don't think I'll be doing this again next year. WAAAAAAY too cold for this girl!!!
