Monday, December 23, 2013

a very merry weekend indeed

This last weekend was one of my favorites.  I feel like I end up saying that after most weekends but it is honestly the truth.  We had such a good time.  Jackson was a delight and makes my days 100% better. 

We spent the weekend doing many a Christmas activity.  

Friday night was his "Holiday Open House" at school.  This included a lovely version of "Jingle Bells" sung by his class (teachers).  And guess what? He was the only one that cried.  Perfection. I'm sure he'll love this when he's older.  I'm currently learning how to create and edit videos at home so the video will have to come later.  However, here are a couple of pictures.  He's so cute.

Saturday morning was mostly lazy but once nap time started, the baking started.  By the end of the day we had sugar cookies, gingerbread men, no-bake cookies, and lots and lots of chocolate-covered pretzels.  If only the cookies would magically disappear...because I cannot stop eating them. Make it stop.

How cute is he in his apron that we found at the antique store? I could eat him up!!!
all photo collages made via fotor.
After all that baking, we rewarded ourselves with a movie... The Heat. So hysterical.  I would recommend it.
Sunday started off pretty lazy as well.  And once Jackson was up, we watched Man of Steel.  We were careful about which parts he could watch but it honestly kept his attention most of the time.  He kept calling out for Batman.  Ooops.

After lunch and nap (cleaning the house for me and it felt SO good) it was up and running around again.  Daddy and Jackson were crazy and having such fun.  We played cowboys (saving the cows...) we made a fort, a bed of pillows next to the Christmas tree, and hung our handmade ornaments on the tree.  It was just a good day.  Days like that make Mondays so hard.  Luckily, after today, I'm off the next 9 days!

I cannot wait to keep making memories with my boys and with my family later this week.  I love this time of year so much. So, so, so many memories to be made.  
I love every minute.

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