Thursday, December 12, 2013

i'm bringin' sexy back...

...via a recap of one of my most favorite concerts. ever.  
justin timberlake. ever heard of him? ;)

a couple of months ago ally and i decided that it was important that her and i finally buy tickets to his indianapolis show.  his last tour, he didn't stop here and now that he was coming to our town...we had to be there.  this should not come as a surprise to you, however, i was a huge, huge, huge fan of nsync.  especially a fan of justin of nsync.  i saw both nsync concerts when they came to indy, once probably in late middle school/early high school and once in high school.  (no strings attached!!) i also saw justin when he took his first solo tour. back in the day.  since i haven't missed any of those over the years, it was kind of a big deal to not miss this one either.  so... i sucked it up and paid more than $100 for my ticket. and for that ticket price, I was probably only 20-30 rows from the very top. we were up there! and you know what?  worth. every. penny. 

so here's how our sister evening at the concert went. gosh. 24 hours ago i was literally singing at the top of my lungs and shaking my booty while justin timberlake was performing in my city. life is good.

the show was at bankers life fieldhouse.   

we found parking just down the street (for only $10 - winning!) and literally ran to get in the door.  I think the weather was nearing single digits by the time we made it in the door.  not exactly weather to stroll along in.

as we ran across the street and down the sidewalk, a door opened on the side and come to find out, it was another entrance! that was pretty amazing. the guy scanning tickets said we probably saved at least 30 minutes by coming in this side entrance because the lobby was totally packed.  (winning again!)

too bad once we got in we realized we only had one ticket (gasp. double, triple gasp.) i had printed the tickets and had them folded up in my clutch. one of the papers must have fallen out in the car when i took out the money to pay for parking. oh my lord. it was going to be another cold, long run back to the car to find it.  i was starting to get frantic. it was about 7:30 and showtime said 8pm.  where did that other ticket go?  as i frantically try to separate the one page ticket into two, a woman comes up to us as we are walking out the door to return to the car.  "are you looking for this?" oh lovely, lovely woman.  i practically yelled "yes!" to her and grabbed that paper. i promptly asked if i could give her a hug. i was beyond thankful (winning!) . i was running through different scenarios in my head. #1 the ticket was in the car. even though it was cold, we'd get back in, no problem. we may just be late. #2 oh my gosh. i've ruined the whole day and i won't be attending the concert i've been looking forward to. well practically forever. or #3, direct me to the box office because i will be buying another flipping ticket for this (sold out) concert. no matter the cost.
luckily. none of those were the result. i'm totally counting my lucky stars on that one!

once inside, tickets scanned and the most giant sigh of relief, it was up a few (so many steps) flights of stairs to the balcony level.  section 226 here we come.

to our amazement, at the top of the stairs, we open the door to the hallway and right in front of us...the entrance to section 226/227. (winning again and again!)  we found our section, row 10 and seats 11 and 12. We made ourselves at home and started to really get excited.

pre-show sister selfie.

and then the show started.  and we squealed and screamed. a little bit.
we weren't super close but had a great side-view of the stage.  my only complaint? no jumbo screens were used.  and they barely used the screen behind him... so these girls didn't really have any close up views of the man so that was a tiny bit disappointing. i guess we'll survive. this time.

i know that these pictures are out of order and it is really, really bothering me. however, it is so hard to tell which order they are supposed to go in. they all kind of look the same from up top!  oh well. you get the picture. we were way up there. had a view of the whole arena. and justin himself. he was kind of tiny like an ant. but i'll take what i can get!

the show started a little after 8:30 to our surprise and he sang for so long. danced, sang, played guitar. he does it all.  after many songs, there was an announcement that there would be a 10 minute intermission. just enough time to wait in line for the women's restroom and get back in your seat just as the lights are going out and the music started back up. that was close.

there was more singing and more dancing. and then the front of the stage rose up and started moving. the crowd went crazy!


it kind of makes me wonder how many people knew that part of the stage was going to move up and over the crowd on the floor and almost all the way to the back of the arena? not only did the part of the stage move back, justin walked back and forth from side to side and when he was on each end, he was at the same level as the lower balcony. i can only imagine the looks on the faces of the fans in that balcony level.  he was so, so close. 

i'd say he spent a good 30 minutes or so on the other end of the arena. on and off the stage, singing several songs down on the floor by the vip area.  greeting fans, shaking hands and even raises a glass to the crowd and taking a shot with everyone.  we're all officially friends now. at least that's what he said.

and it was back to the main stage. so cool.


and here he is. bringing sexy back. 


he closed with mirror. it was so good. i know it sounds so cheesy but word cannot describe. i am such a big fan of his and he is so freaking talented. and not bad looking either! ;) i am so thankful we got to go. it was such an incredible show.

for anyone that may be interested, here's his set list that i found online. there was no way that i could keep track of all of these. so many songs. i hope they are in they seem to be.  a 3 hour show with a 10 minute break? freaking amazing.

pusher love girl
gimme what i don't know (i want)
rock your body
don't hold the wall
like i love you
my love
strawberry bubblegum
summer love
until the end of time
holy grail
cry me a river
only when i walk away
true blood
drink you away
tunnel vision
let the groove get in
that girl
heartbreak hotel
not a bad thing
human nature
what goes around comes around
take back the night
suit & tie
sexy back

here's a video i took of "mirrors". (insert goosebumps here)

post-concert sister selfie 

other interesting notes about justin's visit to indy...
the night before he attended the pacers game and was sitting on the floor. actually cheering for the pacers instead of the heat. alright!
from what i hear (and saw on facebook) he even played a little basketball with some of the players after the game. pretty cool.

during the middle of the concert, he thanked the pacers organization and gave a shout-out to the players that were in attendance. he even was talking about how it was roy hibbert's birthday...and led the entire crowd in signing happy birthday to him. sounds like a pretty good birthday to me!

fast forward to thursday morning. i'm sorry but wednesday night's are not the easiest nights for concerts!
i went into work a little late this morning (i didn't actually fall into bed until after 12:30am and this girl is way too old for that business) and on the way there, i could not help but rock out to even more jt. obsessed.  i was singing again...all alone in my car.

today i was so very thankful for a venti skinny vanilla latte and an extra hour to sleep in. i could have used one or two more hours but this girls gotta work.  being a grown up sometimes....

i know that this seems like quite the recap from a concert. i've just been a fan for so.long. i dont want to forget this stuff. one day i'll be really old and i'll want to remember some of the cool things i was able to do when i was young(er). i will say that the next time he tours, even if he doesn't make it to indianapolis again. i will be at one of his shows in a closer seat. i'll bust out a mason jar and start saving my pennies tomorrow.  it will be so worth it. 

and now it is 9:22pm and i'm just now finishing my first and only blog post for the day. this momma is so tired. i think my bed may be calling my name.

until tomorrow my friends. goodnight. 
peace, love and jt. lol...j/k. maybe ;) 

p.s. if you want to see several (and i mean several...) short video clips from last night's show, check me out on instagram!

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