Friday, November 8, 2013

who's thirty? - part 1

Okay folks. Get ready for some fun.  Here comes part one of the 30th birthday celebration...

To be honest, turning thirty wasn't something I dreaded. I actually feel like I've been there for awhile already!  I think becoming a parent aged me (in a good way!) so the actual number didn't really bother me.  I turned 30 way back on August 13th and until recently haven't had a chance to document all of the fun that came along with that special birthday.  So today, I will do just that!  

I'm not sure how it all started but my sister, Ally and Meagan had for months talked about planning some "big" for the special occasion. I was all about it, as long as there were no strippers! lol...gotta stay classy!

After having an especially bad day at work sometime in late June or early July, Ally spilled the beans that her and Meagan had decided that for my birthday, we'd take the celebration on the road and make it a Girls Weekend in Nashville, TN.  We would get to spend some time with our family there and would get a hotel room for a night and check out the city that evening... it would be great.  And that is exactly what we did.  

This may have actually been taken on the night that Ally and Meagan had made the plan! Just funny to find this months later :)
The trip wouldn't have been complete without my little man tagging along.  He was lucky enough to spend the weekend with the family, including his two cousins, Landen and Davin.  He could have cared less if I was around.  He had the best time.

But. A road trip would also not be complete without a stop at the ER before you are supposed to hit the road. Luckily for us (Jackson, especially!) the injury was minor! A busted chin was fixed with a little help of some glue and a red Popsicle.  That was just what we needed to give our fun weekend a kick start! 

I think that may actually be all of the photos I have from Friday. It was such a busy afternoon/evening trying to get everything packed up and everyone out the door.  Whew.  But it was so worth it.  Meagan, Marcie, Ally, Jackson and I were on the road! We arrived so late....maybe around 1am and we were ready for the sleepover to begin!

Let's pick up with Saturday...

First thing in the morning (after the most delicious blueberry pancake breakfast...) Meagan and I decided to attempt a short run/walk.  After struggling with the humidity during the running part, we decided this should just be a walk.  Man. It was so hot and humid. We were soaked!  Anyway, we walked to the top of Magic Mountain! It was so pretty!!  My family really does live in a pretty incredible place.  Almost feels like visiting a vacation home.

See below. This was the view all morning/afternoon.  My mom had gotten all three boys super hero masks and capes.  To say they enjoyed wearing them would be a complete understatement! 

It was time to open gifts and celebrate with a birthday cheesecake! And for some little boys, it was time for a snow cone...or two...

After lunch and birthday cheesecake (and snow cones!) it was off to the nail salon!

And then.... coffee...

Next up... the winery.  That will have to be a post of it's own. Dang it. That was so much fun.  I should turn 30 more often. 

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