Monday, December 23, 2013

Motivation Monday - 12.23.2013

So this week I actually got on the treadmill...twice!

My goal was actually 3 times but 2 will have to do.  I did not realize until just this evening that we have basically been going non-stop all weekend long.  I probably should have guessed that when the boys were playing in the fort and watching football and I was lying on the pillow-covered floor. Next thing I knew, I woke up upstairs all alone while the boys were making dinner and setting the table.  Ooops.  I guess I was tired?

Anyway, I did get my Tuesday and Thursday workouts completed as scheduled. I may make up my Saturday workout tomorrow just for kicks.  For kicks and for the 97 cookies/pretzels/tortilla chips I ate over the weekend.  Dude. My waistline.  Get yourself together woman!  THIS is exactly why I never keep cookies and treats in the house. I. Will. Eat. Them. ALL.

So. This week.

I've switched things up a little since I'd really like to make up that missed Saturday run/walk.

Monday: Run 1/2 mile, Walk 1/2 mile - repeat two times
Tuesday: Run 3/4 mile, Walk 1/2 mile - repeat two times
Wednesday: Weigh Training or Cross Training (Christmas Day - so we'll see about that!)
Thursday: Run 3/4 mile, Walk 1/2 mile - repeat two times
Friday: Cross Train or Rest
Saturday: Run 3/4 mile, Walk 1/2 mile - repeat two times

I'm sure I'm not the only person to feel this way or to even make this statement... and I swear I'm not trying to make excuses...but...(haha) working out during the holidays is tough.  It is tough to get all of the things done in 24 hours that you really want to do. And find time to sleep or see your kid or your husband.  Life is busy and complicated and wonderful so I wouldn't trade it for anything.  Sometimes I just wish I had 30 more minutes or a tiny bit more energy.  Working out will become a priority again. Not just because the new year is coming. This is a new lifestyle that I've embraced in the last year and I won't let myself down now.  I will be in good shape. I will be healthy. I will make good choices. And I need to (and should!) start now!

via google.

With that said, pass the cookies! UGH.

Here are a couple of holiday motivators that I found via the fabulous internet.  I love them both. But maybe the second one the best. ;)  I think I will take advice from them both!

It is going to be an amazing week. Happy Christmas Eve, Eve!!! 

via google

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