Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Bucketlist 2013 - Update

Since we've already arrived at the Friday before Christmas (what?!?!) let's do a little recap on the things we've been able to cross off of our Christmas Bucket List.  I think we'll be able cross most of these things off prior to Christmas Day, however, we are having Christmas celebrations with family up until New Year's Eve so our holiday season is stretched. Don't you love making the fun last? I do!!

Anyway, back to the recap. Here are the things we've been able to do in the last 20 days...

- put up the Christmas tree - check!

And we couldn't leave out Jackson's little tree.  I think I might like his the best!

- make ornaments - check!
(This might also be included in our new traditions. Seeing as though this marks two years in a row that we've done it. Look at that streak!)

- write a letter to Santa - check!
We even took the letter to the mailbox at the Fishers Parks and Recreation office.  Jackson has since been returned a special letter from Santa at the North Pole.  I hope we can do this every year!

When we stopped to mail Jackson's letter to Santa, Jackson also helped us to send out our Christmas cards.  He did such a good job of mailing out each one.  He's a really good helper and loves to be involved!

- hang decorations - check!

-take a drive to look at Christmas lights - check!

- play in the snow - half a check... lol...the weather hasn't been incredibly cooperative so we've stomped our feet in the snow a few times.  We haven't been able to get all bundled up and really play out there because it has been so bitter cold or icy.  Hopefully there will be at least one good day this winter that we can get out there!!  We have though had a pretty surprising amount of snow for December. I wonder what January, February and March will bring?

- photo with Santa - check! These photos are self-explanatory. Maybe next year he might actually enjoy this? He did warm up eventually.  But still wasn't his biggest fan. The little Santa House in Zionsville is especially cute though.  I think we'll come here again next year!  The best part? You don't have to pay a photographer... you bring your own camera. That means I didn't pay $35 for a picture of my son screaming his head off.  The screams and photo were free!

- make a Christmas craft - check!  Although I'm hoping to be able to do more when Jackson and I get some time off next week!  We did however make this tree topper... It was all his idea :)

It looks like we still have a few things left...

Hopefully in the next week or so we'll be able to finish the last few things:

- bake and decorate cookies - to be done this weekend... yum...
-have an indoor picnic
-listen to Christmas music and dance
-start a new tradition (several things in the work this Christmas season!)
- family photo in front of the Christmas tree
-donate a toy
-read the Polar Express
- go to Christmas at the Zoo - I really hope the weather cooperates in time for us to do this! I'll be so disappointed if we don't make it this year!

Looks like we are having a pretty good December so far.  That might explain why I am practically shocked that as of this day next week, (the official day) Christmas will already be over.  Time. Has. Flown.

Two more work days and then I'm off for 9!  Christmas we come!!  Anyone have big plans in the next week or so?! I'd love to hear about them!

I hope you have the happiest weekend before Christmas! Eeeek! :)

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