Tuesday, December 31, 2013

ready to make 2014 awesome...ps...happy new year's eve!!

After finding this blogger and looking back on her goals for 2013, it has inspired me to actually put in some time and thought on what I'd like to accomplish this year and hopefully writing these things down will help to hold me accountable. We'll see!

Below I've listed the areas that I'd like to focus on and I'm going to "list" my goals out in a crazy little jumbled mess. That's usually how my thoughts work so as I put my thoughts "on to paper" it may look like a mess. But that's life my friends!


Try going back to Grace.  I miss that place so much.

Wipe the dust off the sewing machine?

Train for and complete the mini marathon - I'm tired just thinking about it....and I cannot wait at the same time! 

Maybe find a later summer/fall race to sign up for? The Monumental half in October?

Get in shape.  2013 was good to me as far as exercising goes. I was NEVER one to like exercise. Hated it. And in 2013 I've been in my best shape yet. And I want to do even.better.

Think about expanding our family...already? Time has flown...

Sell our house and Buy/Build a new house?! AH!

SAVE MONEY. Spend less.

Clean.This.House.  Get rid of things we don't need.  We are basically hoarders. Not really... but sometimes it really feels like it!!

Put.The.Phone.Down. Need I say more?

Make family year books. And continue with (at least) yearly videos for Jackson.

Make an effort to DO SOMETHING with my photos AND videos. We all know I take photos every day of our lives but where do they end up?  Other than taking up all the room on my computer and external hard drive...

Keep up this blog.  Writing feels good. The documentation feels good. And I'd love to Make some friends and connect with others this way.  I like this "me" time!

Make good and healthy food choices for me and for my family.

Budget, budget, budget.  there is no reason that we shouldn't be more aware of our spending.

Date my husband.  We both could use more time together. It makes us better for each other and better for our boy.

Stay positive.


This is probably the worst "list" of goals for 2014 that you've ever read. However, this is how my mind works and if I think about it, I'm writing it down.  I'm really feeling motivated so I'm really, really, really going to do my best to make stuff happen in 2014. 

What is your biggest goal for 2014?  I'd love to hear about it and I would love to help encourage you to make great things happen this coming year!  The blog community can be pretty great (from what I hear...) so let's be friends.  

And just for fun... a look back at 2013 that I shared via Instagram.  Because it is the best place ever.  This will make me smile. Forever.


Love, Me.


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