Monday, December 16, 2013

Motivation Monday - 12.16.2013

So. I spent another week...yes...another a slug.  Being a slug did however help me to consider another game plan when it comes to exercising/running/half-marathon training.

And now, I'm feeling motivated. At least a little bit.

With that said, here's how my week is going to look.  This is all after following another fabulous training program provided by Running Through Life.  I love this site. I really do.  

20 Week Half-Marathon Training:
Week One

Monday - Weight Training or Cross Training
Tuesday - Run 1/2 Mile and Walk 1/2 Mile - Repeat 2 Times
Wednesday - Weight Training or Cross Training
Thursday - Run 1/2 Mile and Walk 1/2 Mile - Repeat 2 Times
Friday - Cross Train or Rest
Saturday - Run 1/2 Mile and Walk 1/2 Mile - Repeat 2 Times
Sunday - Rest or Easy Walk

According to this site, I officially have 20ish (actually 19 weeks and some change...) weeks until the mini.  I can totally do this, right?!

What I like best about this idea is that I won't have to run so many long distances outside while it is frigid. Because let's be one likes to run 6+ miles on a treadmill and no one likes to run outside when there is ice and snow on the ground.  Or maybe some people do... but those some people are not me. Hopefully by the time I get to the higher mileage runs, the weather may start to warm up? At least more than 19 degrees?

So that's the plan. I'm really, really going to do my very best to stick to it.  Today especially I'm feeling energized and motivated and SO EXCITED for what 2014 will bring.  Let's. Do. This.  2014 Bring it on! 

And because every post needs a photo... even if it is 100% unrelated.

Maybe he will actually enforce my running schedule? LOL. 
That was probably one of the worst jokes I've ever made. Please forgive me.

So. Check out the site and let me know what programs you use or anything that might be helpful to us runners!!

Happy to finally be getting back out there this week.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!

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