Jackson had his Thanksgiving lunch at school the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. It was precious. His Grandpa Brink was able to come with me and enjoy a delicious lunch at the tiniest table. Next to our favorite bow-tie-wearing little boy.
Here's our new tradition... a photo of me and my little guy at his Thanksgiving lunch. Just like last year, he was trying to escape and didn't want his photo taken. It almost looks like he was smiling. But really...more like escaping.
And just for fun...here's a little photo I posted on Instagram last week. Because its kind of amazing to compare year by year. I wonder what next year's photo will look like? Hopefully it will be as cute as these two!
i almost forgot...Jackson had his Thanksgiving lunch at school the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. It was precious. His Grandpa Brink was able to come with me and enjoy a delicious lunch at the tiniest table. Next to our favor…Read More
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