Thursday, November 21, 2013

things jackson says.

Image via SB Childs Photography

I really want to start writing these things down so I won't forget.  This kid is so hilarious and so smart that it completely baffles my mind.  Plus, I wonder if when he's older, he'll look back and think he was so smart and funny? Only time will tell....

On the way to meet Todd at a restaurant for dinner, Jackson and I discuss in the car what we should order to eat when we get there.  He tells me first that he'd like chicken nuggets. Then he decides he'd like "dinosaur chicken nuggets" like we have at home.  After discussing with him that I know we have those at home but I'm not quite sure if they restaurant will have them he says, "Ask them."  How does he even know how this kind of conversation works? Ugh.  Once we arrived, he told the waiter every.single.time. he came by our table that he wanted chicken nuggets.  Oh my boy.  So eager for his chicken nuggets.

Todd: What do firefighters do?
Jackson: They put out fires.
Todd: and do they help people?
Jackson: Jackson Brink.
Todd: they don't help other people?
Jackson: Just Jackson Brink.

Fall 2013 (I didn't get the date written down...)
Jackson: I pick my nose.
Todd: you got boogers?
Jackson: yes. Yummy. Tasty.

Early November 2013:
I tucked Jackson into bed and told him goodnight and that I loved him very much. The usual!  And he immediately responded back with, "I love you Mommy. I love you too."

Jackson: I'm a bobot. 


11.18.2013 - This week he has a new thing.  When I come to pick him up at school he yells, "Mom!!! Mom!!! Mommy!" and runs up to give me the biggest, sweetest hugs.  And then tells every other adult in the room "my Mommy!"  Apparently he also likes to jump up and down and yell "hooray!" off and on throughout the day.  I wish this boy had a little bit more joy in his life! ;)

I will make sure to keep another post drafted and add all of the cute and funny things he says. I need to be better about writing this stuff down because he truly is something else.  Keeps us on our toes and laughing every single day. I love you bugga boo!

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  • things jackson says. Image via SB Childs Photography I really want to start writing these things down so I won't forget.  This kid is so hilarious and so smart that it completely baffles my mind.  Plus, I wonder if when he's older,… Read More


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