Happy Monday my friends!
Here's my weekly summary from last week. All I can say is that I am really starting to feel better and the more and more active I am, the more I love the way I'm feeling. Exercise is the best medicine. I hope this positive attitude keeps up. I have a lot more miles to add on in the upcoming weeks. And maybe I'll bite the bullet and finally register for the Mini Marathon in May?
Anyway, back to the weekly summary. I'm proud of my activity this week!
Monday - 11.11. - I was "scheduled" to cross or weight train but had a really cruddy day at work and thought that maybe a run would help me feel better. The run did help and so did the pasta and wine after. It was nice to get myself back at the YMCA and feel the energy of everyone else there working up a sweat. Talk about motivation. Although why were there so many people at the gym at 6:30? Shouldn't you all be at home eating dinner? That's what Todd and Jackson were doing!!
Tuesday - 11.12 - I was "scheduled to run 3 miles today decided to run a quick one to add to the two from the previous day. Something is better than nothing!
Wednesday - 11.13 - guess what? no weight or cross training. I did nothing!
Thursday - Ran a quick 2 miles before picking up Jackson from school. Not my fastest but again, just to be moving makes me feel so much better. One day I'll be faster. Or maybe I won't. At this point, I just want to keep adding more distance and if my pace is slow, I'll be happy as long as I can finish!

Friday - 11.15 - Rested. Yes!
Saturday - 11.16 - Ran 4 miles! I met with Meagan at her 8th mile and she finished while I did my entire workout. lol. It is SO nice to have that positive energy from a friend. She is such a good runner and helps me be a better runner. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I want to be like her when I grow up! :)

After meeting with Meagan and completing our 4 miles, we met up with Marcie to do a nice run/walk. The weather was chilly but having my girls out there helped to keep the energy and warmth up. Oh and the Starbucks at the finish line is also a treat! I am so lucky to have these girls always keeping me off the couch and motivated. I'm the lucky one!
Good thing we ran on Saturday instead of Sunday.... This is what Saturday afternoon looked like around Indy. Luckily everyone was safe, but I'm so glad we didn't have to mess with this!

Sunday - 11.17 - Rest day. Awesome day with my boys!
Here are my goals and training schedule for the upcoming week (11.18 - 11.24) :
Monday - Weight training or cross training.
Tuesday - Run 3 miles
Wednesday - Weight Training or cross training.
Thursday - Run 3 miles.
Friday - Cross train or rest.
Saturday - Run 4.5 miles.
Sunday - Rest or Easy Walk
Someone please, please, please help me find the motivation to actually weight or cross train. I follow several blogs (here, here, here) and these women are amazing when it comes to running and cross/weight training. I just cannot find the grove. The thought is overwhelming. I love/hate sore muscles. I am terrible at finding workouts that I actually like enough to do them. I am the worst when it comes to working out, that's why I'm honestly shocked that I've kept up running for so long.
What keeps you motivated? Anyone have any tips/workouts/experience with cross/weight training that might help me? :)
Here's to a good week! Let's keep our bodies moving!!
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No, I'M the lucky one!!!! You guys are so sweet to go with me after you were already done with your workout! And I love the quotes/pictures at the bottom of this post. :)