Wednesday, November 13, 2013

ladies night. in pictures.

Here was my Friday evening. Thank you Meagan for making some delicious pasta and sharing your wine with me.  Especially since it came from a sketchy man in a barn... that's the best kind of wine, right?!  And also thank you for doing my nails and I hope yours look as awesome as mine do.  Can we do this again, really soon?  It really was a great way to start off the weekend!  
Anyway, enjoy the photos.  And I seriously want to do this again. Tomorrow....or at least maybe in a week or two when our nail polish needs refreshing? ;)  And maybe next time Marcie won't have bronchitis (because aint nobody got time fo dat!)

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  1. I am SO BEYOND SAD that I was sick!!!! I wanna have fun tooooooooooooooooooooooo :(

  2. That was the best time ever! Cant wait to make our Tutu's this Saturday! I love to share my sketchy barn man wine with you! ;)
