Monday, November 4, 2013

Motivation Monday - 11.04.2013

Monday - 10.28 - since I ran on Sunday and took a long family walk...all on a sore knee...I decided that I deserved a rest day. And rest I did!!

Tuesday - 10.29 - Ran 1.5 miles. I switched an ran the shorter distance and will do the 2 miler on Thursday.  My knee was still not 100% so I didn't want to push it.   The last thing I want is an injury that would keep me from running at all!

Wednesday - 10.30 - strength or cross training. And I did! A short and sweaty hard workout. Have you heard of The 7 Minute Workout? It is short but wow...legit. I have seen this all over Pinterest and decided to give it a go. My legs were tired after that shirt workout! And you can even get an iPhone app of the workout that is amazing. Check it out!

Thursday - 10.31 - Nothing :(  I was starting to feel sick.  Sore throat, sore neck, etc.  But don't worry, I am fighting it! So I switched Thursday and Friday to rest.

Friday - 11.01 - Rest day :( still not feeling well! While everyone was having Friday night fun...I was in bed an asleep by 9pm. I guess I'm old. 

Saturday -11.02 - nothing exciting. Planned a rest day since Sunday I planned on meeting up with Meagan and Marcie for a few miles on the Monon.  I kept right on resting so I would feel well enough to actually run outside!

Sunday - 11.03 - 5.16 miles! Most weren't running miles but there was still a whole lot of moving! A very active day actually! I don't feel so bad about resting earlier in the week because once we were outside (a brisk 40 something degrees!) I was feeling like a million bucks.  We had a great time.  I love my friends!! And the view was so beautiful. I wish the leave were always so vibrant! They helped to distract us from the cool weather ;) and we got our traditional Starbucks latte afterwards.  And did I mention the red cups are back?  Bring it on, Christmas!!

Not a bad burn for a Sunday! P.S.  Meagan is a rock star once again... she completed a 6 mile run before she even met up with Marcie and I and then walk/jogged another 5 miles.  She's kind of amazing.  I want to be like her when I grow up ;)

Goals for the upcoming week (11.04 - 11.10):
Monday:  Weight Training or Cross Training
Tuesday: Run 2 miles
Wednesday: Weight Training or Cross Training
Thursday: Run 2 miles
Friday: Cross Train or Rest
Saturday: Run 3 miles
Sunday:  Rest or Easy Walk

The girls and I have already made a tentative plan to meet up for another #sundayrunday so my Saturday plans will most likely actually happen on Sunday.  I am SO looking forward to it!

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1 comment:

  1. You are way, way, way too kind. Def not a rockstar!. (I only ran that much because secretly I just wanted to be able to eat more peanut butter cups.)
