Monday, November 11, 2013

Motivation Monday - 11.11.2013

It's 11.11. Make a wish!  Am I the only one that still thinks of that?! lol

Before the weekly recap, here's a video  Meagan posted last week.  It is so good and literally  makes me want to get up out of my chair and run down the hall.  It is that good.  Nike knows their stuff.  Love it.

Here's what I was up to this last week!

Monday - 11.04 - nothing. boo.

Tuesday - 11.05 - nothing. boo again.

Wednesday - 11.06 - Ran 2 miles.  My schedule is really messed up this week as far as training/exercising goes.  So I'm just going to go with it.  
And I have no idea how this could possibly be accurate but we'll pretend that it is and move on with our lives.  Thank you Nike!

Thursday - 11.07 - nothing. boo. once again.

Friday - 11.08 - Finally I moved.  Did my 2 miles on a sunny Friday afternoon.  My week was so off schedule.  Just not meant to be this week! But, that run felt pretty good!

Saturday - 11.09 -  nothing again. I am sensing a pattern...

Sunday - 11.10 - nothing.  so many excuses but this upcoming week is sure to be better, right?! I skipped my 3 mile run.  Just too exhausted to even think about it.  That sounds so terrible but it was the truth. I WILL do better this upcoming week!!

Goals for this week (11.11 - 11.17) I will do better!  Everyone gets an off-week, right?

Monday -  Weight training or cross training.
Tuesday -  Run 3 miles
Wednesday - Weight Training or cross training.
Thursday -  Run 2 miles.
Friday - Cross train or rest.
Saturday - Run 4 miles.
Sunday - Rest or Easy Walk

I really need to stick to my goals this week. I'm really going to give it my full effort.  I want to stick to my goals and have a good attitude.  Happy Monday!!!

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  1. Best Video ever. And keep at it-You are always happy when you do! :)

  2. Last week was my off week too! We should go to the canal on Thursday-- it's supposed to be in the Upper 40s!
