Monday, November 25, 2013

Motivation Monday - 11.25.2013

Happy Monday my friends!   I apologize in advance for the formatting of this post. Blogger is not playing nice today and I'm not sure what's happening.  So I'm going to pretend this looks pretty and hopefully you will too!  Everyone have a good week??
 Here's my weekly recap!
Monday -  11.18 - Nothing. The usual. ;)
Tuesday -  11.19 - Ran 3 miles... 

Wednesday - 11.20 - turned into a rest day. go figure!

Thursday -  11.21 - Run 3 miles. Not super fast but felt pretty good.  And I ended up with a pretty good calorie burn that day. I love those kinds of days!

Friday - 11.22 - Rested.  Hung out with my boys. And loved it.

Saturday - 11.23 - The goad was to run for 4.5 miles.  We had a busy, busy day ahead of us so I had to make it to the gym at some point.  I waited until Jackson was down for his nap and took off.  I made it there and was running right along. My legs and head were totally in the game. Until my stomach was growling too much and I was starting to feel the effects of not eating before trying to exercise.  Apparently I should have eaten something between breakfast and trying to run several miles at 1:30pm.  I am just not a fan of eating before I run because it doesn't sit well in my stomach. Anyway, I made it 3 miles before I had to stop, go home, and eat as soon as I walked in the door!  Before stopping, it was actually a pretty good run!
Saturday evening Todd and I were child free (he went to Grandpa Brink's for the night!) so we did a little shopping and dinner.  I found myself some new cold gear in preparation for the Drumstick Dash this week. Holy cow...time has flown.  I cannot believe it is almost race day!  Any-who... I should be all set.  I decided on this hoodie and these leggings.  Please keep your fingers crossed that they'll keep me warm because it is going to be CHILLY.  Now I need to get my butt outside and get my money's worth out of these clothes!

Sunday - 11.24 - Rested.

I wish I had more fun things to say but honestly this formatting is making me a little bit crazy and I guess I should get some things done today.  This will be a great and busy week so I'm very much looking forward to it. Busy usually means that I keep it moving so I'm hoping for lots of calorie burning...  Please stay tuned for Thanksgiving posts (we will have 3 Thanksgivings this year!) and Drumstick Dash updates.  Lots of friends, family and fun this week!

In the world of fitness, here's what this week looks like:

Monday -  Weight Training for Cross Training - or in my case, I'll be hand-washing a load or two of laundry since our washing machine decided its time was up.  Nice.  So that should burn some calories! I also have loads of laundry to be put away.  That should keep me moving!
Tuesday - Run 4 Miles.
Wednesday - Weight Training or Cross Training.
Thursday - Run 3 Miles.  I'll actually (hopefully) be running 4.6... send good thoughts my way!
Friday - Cross Train or Rest.
Saturday - Run 5 Miles.  

Here's to lots and lots of miles this week.  Cold miles in fact!  I'm really excited.  Especially since Marcie and I are signing up for the Mini Marathon.  We are crazy. And excited.  I believe Marcie has already registered and I hope to do so later today.  We are also both registering for a training series that includes 3 "races" prior to May that help runners gauge where they're at as fair as training for the half goes. All of the training "races" and the actual race for just about $100.  Not too shabby! Makes me wanna get out there and hit the pavement!

I hope everyone has a fabulous holiday week and fitness week. It can be hard with the holidays so I'm really hoping to just keep moving and not eat every.thing. in front of my face.  

Good luck to all of us, have a wonderful week!!!


And honestly. I do apologize about the formatting. Blogger is not playing nice for me today :( 

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