Friday, November 1, 2013

jackson quincy turns two. 10.13.2013.

Now that Jackson has been two for almost 3 weeks... Maybe it is time to discuss his actual second birthday.  So here goes!

Sunday, 10.13.2013.  It looks like it was a pretty good day to me!

The day started with Nonnie making dino pancakes.  All three boys enjoyed those! 
(I found the cookie cutters on Amazon)

After breakfast, it was time to play with dinosaurs, blocks and trains. Imagine that.  Soon after, Poppy (and all the boys!) walked over to the playground to burn off a little energy.  It is important to do that for small boys that will be sitting in the car for the next 5 (or more) hours. 

After everyone we said our goodbyes and gave our hugs, it was time to play with the trains and firetrucks before having a little lunch while watching a favorite show.  And early to nap!  Jackson had stayed up until 10pm the night before and was still up by 6am.  He was just all kinds of ready to party.

After some post-nap cuddles, we ran a couple of errands and made a stop at the Halloween Store.  Jackson enjoyed walking up and down each aisle so much, that we went through the entire store twice.

Our last stop was a birthday dinner at Chipotle.  We all chowed down.  
It was a happy day. 

I still cannot believe that my little Jackson is two years old.  He is at the best stage and we are having so much fun.  I cannot imagine what the upcoming days, months and years are going to be like.  I love him so much.  I am the luckiest.

Happy Birthday to my littlest love, Jackson Quincy.  You make me the happiest momma in the world!!  

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