Monday, January 27, 2014

Motivation Monday: 01.27.2014

Happy Monday!  

I hope that everyone is staying inside and cozy during this stinking Polar Vortex that we just cannot seem to get rid of.  Seriously...please go away now.  Thanks!

On to a happier note...

In fitness-related news, I'm still running/walking!  Slowly working up to more running than walking and it is feeling really sweaty and really good.  This last week I completed 3 days of walking 0.5 miles and running a mile (x 2) and this week's schedule calls for the same.

  I am thinking though I may try to push it a little harder and see if I can increase the running time and decrease the walking by just a little or even skip to the next's weeks training of running a mile and walking for 2 minutes (x2) but that seems drastic.  My runs have actually felt really good and not too strenuous so maybe I can do it. I think I can... I think I can...

Pin location.

 I just wish that I could actually run to somewhere nice and warm... and have my family follow behind me with all of our stuff... so we could make a beach vacation out of it. ;)

So this Saturday is the first race of the 500 Festival Mini Marathon Training Series.  Luckily the first race is only a 5k and I'm really thinking that I can handle it.  The only problem is that as of today, the forecast looks a little like this.  Dang.  

Sat Feb 1

Light Wintry Mix

Light Wintry Mix
Chance of precip:50%
Wind: WNW at 7 mph

Marcie and I told ourselves that as long as it was 30 degrees, we'd be out there running.  PLEASE let the weather hold up so we can get our 5k training race completed! Please!!!

Anyway. I need to keep on running, increasing my distances and contemplate either going to some classes at the gyms and start lifting some weights or doing cross training. I am really lazy on my off days from running and that needs to change. For real.  I want to get stronger so I can run better and longer. Time to kick it up a notch!!

I hope we all have the best week ever and seriously, this weather sucks so everyone stay safe.  Hopefully when I write my next Motivation Monday post, I'll have something good to say about our training race!

Have a wonderful week!!

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