Tuesday, January 28, 2014

confession: i love "trashy" television...a.k.a. reality t.v.

I am (only slightly) embarrassed to write this post.  But obviously not enough to keep me from writing it... I know I'm not alone in my love for trashy television...

So with all of our budgeting and cutting costs...we've made the decision to ditch cable.  With that, we'll be signing back up for Netflix and we just renewed our Amazon Prime membership and are also considering signing up for Hulu Plus.  So many internet services.  However, with those services, we will not be "without" many television viewing options.  The only issue with getting rid of cable?  No more Bravo.  No more of my most-watched television shows! (I know, I'm pathetic. #firstworldproblems)  What?!  Why in the world is this channel the only one that does not have full episodes available online? Or within an app?  They have a few but none of them are my favorites.  I am only really complaining because I honestly don't watch much television so when I do, I like to keep it trashy so-to-speak. I love watching the drama unfold. I like watching what is "real life" for some people and seeing how very different it is from my own.  It makes me feel sane and normal.  It is a stress reliever for me. I love to unwind and watch a little drama on television.

So.  Even though we'll be upgrading our internet (thank goodness, finally!!!) I'll be losing at least three of my favorite shows.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.  And pretty much any of the other Real Housewives shows honestly. Sad but true!

Courtney Loves Dallas - love her show, have always loved her blog!!

Toned Up - again... have loved their blog and really love their show!  Such inspiring and motivating women!

I am honestly I'll look back at this post one day (hey - this is my real life stuff people) and laugh my butt off.  Because this is the kind of junk that I love. I'll say, "what was I thinking?!" and it is going to be awesome!

Now that I'm losing a few hours of my favorite trashy entertainment, I would love to hear some recommendations on what to watch once we get all of our new services, etc. all set up.  Please, share your favorites.  I like drama, I like "reality"... lol. Tell me what you've got!

Thanks for sharing your favorites with me and if you need me this evening, you'll find me glued to my couch trying to watch all of the shows recorded on my DVR before it is gone!  I should try and find a workout to do while I watch because I'll be there for awhile.... 

Happy Tuesday!!!

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  1. Netflix has all the TLC reality shows on it. Not gonna lie, I've seen every episode of Say Yes to the Dress and Sister Wives.

    I totally support you in getting rid of cable though! I haven't had it in 7 years, and I don't miss it! I especially don't miss the bill!!!

  2. You can still watch trashy TV (and better because who else can I talk to about it?) I support you in this venture as long as you catch up on RHOBH and RHONJ :)
