Let's start with Christmas Eve. We hung around the house and my sister came to hang out with us too. We let Jackson open his Christmas Eve Box and it was time to start settling in and snuggling in for the night. We cuddled up on the couch and watched our movie together. (Side note: That movie starts out kind of sad, it was totally unexpected and I will have to be more aware of choosing movie next year... I wouldn't want to upset anyone!)
After the movie it was a few Christmas books and off to bed.
We were able to have the perfect end to a perfect Christmas Eve.

Christmas Morning - Wednesday, December 25th.
We start our morning around 8am... so excited to go and get our little man from his bedroom. And honestly I love that the room isn't filled to the brim with too many gifts (that he won't remember). I'm so glad we decided to scale back a little this year. The method works so well. And I can honestly remember (I mean I'm sure Santa remembers...) choosing each gift specifically since each has a purpose. Anyway. There is something about photos with Christmas trees and Christmas lights. I really don't think the view will ever get old.
Without any more talking, here's our Christmas at home as a little family. A perfect start to a very special day!

After nap time, it was off to Grandma Brink's for another Christmas celebration.
(These next photos are courtesy of my mother-in-law)
Our final Christmas celebration actually took place on New Year's Eve - Tuesday, December 31st. This time we enjoyed some time with Grandpa Brink.
A quick family photo before we hit the road. I love my little family.
(You'll be seeing this one again because it is also our NYE photo since both happened to be the same day!)
A quick family photo before we hit the road. I love my little family.
(You'll be seeing this one again because it is also our NYE photo since both happened to be the same day!)

Gosh. We have a pretty great family around here, don't we? Next up? Our trip to Nashville, Tennessee to celebrate with my side of the family! Road Trip!
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