Friday, January 31, 2014

friday favorites.

I'm not sure if this something I'll continue but here are some things that I'm just really loving this week.  

My new shoe pod should be delivered today! THANK GOODNESS.  

I know it sounds silly but I've been really annoyed with how inaccurate the data has been while running lately.  It has been weeks since my watch/shoe pod have been working correctly and because I like to track data... I'm kind of over it.  You should have seen after I pushed myself through a 3 mile run last night and my watch showed that I completed it on January 02.  Um.What?  So i synced my watch online and that run does not exist.  3 miles that were not easy and it didn't track any of it. wah. 

Everyone keep your fingers and toes crossed that our training run tomorrow has decent weather.  (Now to research tips for running in the rain...)

Speaking of running, don't I look like this when I run? Obviously.

 I LOVE that running top.  

Clothes/fashion (ha) related...I keep pinning all of these cute outfits. Even though I'm currently trying to watch my spending, I keep trying to find things that I can put together with items I already have.. and some things are just things I dream of having. lol.  And there are also just random bits and pieces too.  Because that's how I roll.


Can it please be spring? Please?

A friend of mine suggested that maybe I try to make my own version of this... with lace elbow pads... how cute would that be?! AND I already have a black and white striped top... this could work!!

Wellies. I want some. so. bad.

Switching gears...
Who are you hoping wins the Super Bowl this weekend?  Will you be watching?  Of course Todd and I are hoping the Broncos win... Peyton Manning fans, please stand up!


My favorite part about watching the game? The commercials and football food.  My Pinterest feed has been blowing up with some really delicious looking food.  I so want to save up some calories and splurge on Sunday. Who's with me?  Check these out...


For the sweet tooth ...

And because it is always fun to post a positive and happy song... I hope y'all will enjoy. (yea... i just said y'all.)

Was that enough random for your Friday?  I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and that we all have lots of fun things to post about next week. Until then...


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