Wednesday, June 4, 2014

wordless(ish) wednesday: coming soon to a blog near you....

here are a few things i'm working on.  the summer is crazy busy so sitting at a computer in the evenings isn't super appealing... however... i am ready to document all of our adventures so please stay tuned, there is fun to be had!

here are a few peeks at what is coming your way very shortly!

...and more!  thank you for stopping by!  we've made it halfway through the week already my friends!  happy wednesday!

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1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! So I came back here to respond to your comment today! I have two things for you. You are a no-reply blogger (I was too for a long time before anyone told me). So that just means when you comment on my blog like you did today, I can't respond directly to you. I have to go searching for you. Which a lot of people won't take the time to do. Boo! Here is a tutorial to fix that!

    Also, to make pinable images you can try this easy tutorial I found really helpful.

    Or you can sometimes find a blog designer who would be willing to make you one for a small fee. I recommend this lady (Jana Tolman @ Life Could Be A Dream) she's a pleasure to work with! I hope all this info helped :)
