Thursday, June 5, 2014


just about every thursday evening, i leave work, run home to let bella out and then head to pick jackson up from school.  i ask him where we are off to and he happily tells me, "grandpa's house!"  he knows the drill! ;)

thursday evenings consist of dinner and time spent with grandpa, aunt carrie, (soon-to-be) uncle mike, and our little family of three.

we used to have dinner on thursday nights even before jackson was born... when he was first born (and slept most of the time... before he started going to bed at 7pm!)...and then we took a little break when bed time became pretty important... and now we are back in our thursday routine! we've been back for months and it feels really good.

jackson loves this time with a smaller group of family... what kid doesn't love more one-on-one attention?

aunt carrie and uncle mike are the best playmates.  their fun usually consists of chasing (or being chased by) dinosaurs, hiking around the house with hiking sticks, fishing (with the hiking sticks) or playing a mini concert on grandpa's keyboard.  those are just a few of their favorite things.

during the summertime it seems like the options for fun are unlimited.  this summer you can probably find us in the pool or hot tub before dinner.  we really look forward to this dinner every week!

i'm always (probably a little too) active on instagram so if you want to see what we're up to on thursdays, check out my instagram feed and the hashtag .... #thursdaynightsatgrandpas ... because who doesn't love a good hashtag? ;)

the happiest of thursdays to you all!!


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