Tuesday, June 24, 2014

do you hear those crickets chirping?!

so. i'm alive... actually alive and doing very well.

this pictures has nothing to do with this post. i just like it. because i like him. a little.

as most of you know and completely understand... the summer is so busy for all of us.

little did i know that my job would be more busy than i've ever experienced, smack dab in the middle of the summer.  overtime is encouraged and suggested for those that would like to get paid. that doesn't happen very often so i'm taking advantage.  not only because of the money, but also because i have plenty to do and every little bit of extra time helps to get things crossed off the never-seems-to-be-ending list.

so with work being crazy busy, todd's twin sister's wedding, and a week long vacation coming up... not to mention, the 4th of july, more than a handful of August birthdays (and much more!) i have barely had time to do anything extra.  oh and did i mention todd's away on a business trip for 4+ days?! yes.  when it rains, it pours!  but the time is flying by and jackson and i are keeping ourselves very busy and happy these days.

with all of that said, my blog has been completely neglected and although i could stay up super late to write, i have chosen sleep.  a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!  however, there are other things that i would love to do... and soon.

so i thought i'd make a list.  because that's what i do.  i hope that one of these days i can cross a few of them off!

//  paint my nails

//  color my hair (seriously, this has to happen soon. hello grey. you are not welcome here. i do not have time for you. thanks.)

//  blog. like a lot. i have so many pictures and fun adventures that we've experience these last couple of weeks.

//  get a pedicure ... preferably before the wedding/vacation weekend starts! p.s. that's less than two weeks from now...

 //  write down my experiences with the 21 day fix.  i've successfully completed 8 days and i love it.  i've been keeping notes so be on the lookout for more info if you are interested! 

//  spend time with family and friends - it is summer time, that is what it is all about!

//  date night.  i believe grandpa may have jackson overnight on friday so this may actually come true sooner than later!

//  put away the mounds of clean laundry, sweep/mop the floors/dust everything. oh and vaccuum. i know those seem like "everyday" things for others but goodness these days have gotten away from me. i'd love to catch up and have a sparkling clean house.  #iwillkeepondreaming

//  catch up on my blog reading... i have cut down on the blogs i've been following this year. and my bloglovin' number has risen... easily passing 350. so. many. to. read. i hope there are a lot of pictures ;)

anyway. there you have it. lots swimming around in my noggin just not the time to write it all down.  hopefully i'll put a good dent in my workload this week so i can relax a little more. that sounds delightful. it is all worth it in the end, right?!

how has everyone been in blog land? i've missed you all...

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