Thursday, June 12, 2014

scenes from our last weekend

as we near the start of yet another weekend, why not revisit the fun that was our last weekend?! sunday afternoon after an almost three hour nap (hooooray!) jackson and i took a little drive over to zionsville to spend some time with friends.  it was really fun and almost like a playdate since all of our kids are so close in age!  lucy was about to turn 2 the next day, jackson and noah are just shy of three and actually only a month apart exactly.  

its kind of fun to watch all of their interactions together and they all play pretty well since they are all daycare/preschool goers but at the same time, outside of school, they are all only children. ;)  but they are all the cutest and as parents of these kiddos, we are pretty dang lucky.

after we arrived to meagan's house, we walked to the park.  this is one of the best parks we've ever been to!  two dinosaur-shaped climbing structures?  what more could a little boy ask for?!

i promise this is a "smile".  just a forced one.  when your mom has a camera in your face 24-7 it is bound to happen!

"help! help! i'm in jail!"

at one point, jackson helped me move the wagon.  what a nice boy!

and then it was off to the other dinosaur to climb on! 

and then he turned around to make sure his mommy was still there and still watching.  oh that smile. that is the real deal.  the best thing ever.

thanks again google+ for making these auto awesome. i am obsessed!

after spending a bit at the park, it was time to walk back to the house and start grilling for dinner!  here's all the sweaty littles taking a ride in the wagon.  it really only lasted about two minutes before each of them wanted out so they could keep running... ;)

oh those pigtails!

after we got back to the house (todd arrived too!) and had some delicious dinner (sliders, salad and crock pot mac&cheese..... YUM) it was time to get out the bubble machine!  i think they liked it!

a couple more auto awesome(s) because i seriously cannot help it!

and finally it was down to the backyard to burn off a little more energy.  once they had a few minutes to run their little hearts out, it was time to pack it up and head home.  bedtime for everyone!

i'm so glad i got to spend so much time with friends this weekend and it was even better that we got to have our kids around too.  its a pretty good life we live... and a happy one too!

p.s. since these pictures were taken right before her birthday... 
happy (belated) birthday lucy!!!  we love spending time with you and your family and its pretty cool seeing you grow up into such a smart little girl.  jackson is pretty lucky to have a friend like you!

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1 comment:

  1. THanks for this post. We had so much fun celebrating Lu's birthday with all of her friends! xoxo
