Tuesday, June 10, 2014

memorial day weekend - cookout at grandma brink's

our memorial weekend consisted of hamburgers, hotdogs and lots of fun playing outside.  we spent saturday afternoon at fort ben and sunday afternoon at grandma brink's for a memorial day cookout and "splash day" of sorts!

jackson was so excited for "squirting guns" and couldn't wait to get outside.  the cold water never even phased him.

to get the water party started, he helped his daddy fill up all of the (old school!) super soakers.  those things still have the kids' (todd and his sibling's) initials on them from when they used them as kids. i love it.

i have no idea what is happening here... i think he is "zapping" people?!  who can be sure?!  he was having fun and that's all that really matters, right?!  look at that grin!

and jackson's most favorite part of the day? "squirting guns!" and he actually got pretty good at using them!  aunt carrie helped him refill each time he emptied them (probably what felt like a million times to her! lol) and he had so.much.fun. look out if you are a spectator though... little guy isn't great with his aim quite yet!

look at that concentration. i love it.

 blurry but i love it. all of the summertime action happening!

john's favorite activity. who needs toys? give that kid a bucket of water and a cup... and he's good to go!  i believe grandma's flowers were watered very well that day! ;)

all of the little cousins!  they are so stinking cute!! they are all going to have such a blast this summer now that they are all active.  so many memories to be made!

really kid? you crack me up.

gotta love water action shots.  or maybe it's just me ;)

this next series of photos... my crazy child.  not afraid of that cold water. not one little bit.

i kid you not... these kiddos would have played in the water the entire day if we had let them! 

we ended our afternoon with reading books with grandma. the last two holidays have ended this way.  jackson loves the attention and just loves books.  the perfect end to a pretty dang perfect day!

and i love how "vintage" these turned out.  for no apparent reason. but i love it.

so better late than never... that's how we celebrated our memorial day weekend. with family and some really cold water! jackson skipped his nap that day and had a complete blast.  he even fell asleep on the 15 minute ride home... while playing games on my iphone (we were sure that would keep him awake... it always does!)  poor kid barely made it through dinner... only eating a banana and some watermelon (and lots of i'm-so-tired tears) and it was off to bed pretty early.  being a kid and having fun is hard work.  sleepy kid = a pretty dang good weekend.  i hope to have many more of these this summer!!

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