our jackson quincy peed in the potty for the first time ever! some of you may think i'm crazy but i am so happy for my guy! we've been talking about potty training for months with him only having interest here and there. on monday he moved up to the "potty training" classroom where they "try" the potty at each diaper change. on the 4th day of his new class... he actually pees in the potty. i am so proud of this guy! he's just growing up right before our eyes.
to celebrate, he got to pick a special treat. initially we were planning on cupcakes (too bad gigi's cupcakes closes early on weekdays!) but instead we stopped by our local grocery store's bakery... and a chocolate donut with sprinkles was our winner.
we made a really big fuss of it today so i'm hoping that encourages him for more trips to the potty!
happy first time on the potty my boy!
p.s. it was pajama day at school. he doesn't normally have that sweet of an outfit right after school! ;)
(i apologize for any of you that could care less about this type of topic... i just had to document this first. i am honestly so proud.)
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