Monday, June 9, 2014

fort ben.

considering our adventure to fort ben was a little over two weeks ago... probably time to actually document it. oops.  another not-in-real-time post for you.  #storyofmylife

so. here was our little day of adventuring together! i hope that we can make it back to the park again soon. we all really enjoyed ourselves and jackson did amazing.  he probably walked a good mile before we took a real break.  that boy has energy for days!

standing on a rock. because that's what little boys just love to do.

and when he's not standing on a rock... he's looking for rocks. to just carry around. or (even better yet) to throw.  because, again, that's what boys love to do!

visiting uncle david's bench. we always make a point to stop by and take a moment. it is in the most perfect spot.

after we finished the trail through the woods, we happened upon a shelter with picnic tables.  seemed like the perfect spot to stop for lunch.

he just looks like he's getting so big. to be sitting at a picnic table. that's what big kids do. ugh.

we were back to walking after lunch  and after reapplying sunscreen!  it only took a couple minutes of walking this time before jackson was tired and wanted to ride on daddy's shoulders.

of course that lasted a few minutes before he wanted down again. and we knew it was starting to get late because the walk with daddy turned to...

this... someone had to be talked to.  being a toddler and having to listen to your parents (for safety reasons!) is tough. 

but we finished off our walk and it was really such a beautiful day and jackson's mood turned around.  before heading back to the car, it was time for a self-timer family photo.

here are the boys testing the photo location for me ;)

family photo - take one!

family photo - take two!

and there was more energy to burn so i let the boys play. and there was so much giggling.  the best sight and sounds for a mom. i just love watching those two!

and just for fun. jackson and a dandelion. because he's cute.

and just for fun... here are a couple of photos from one of the last visits we had to this beautiful park.  these were taken in november 2012.  obviously it was time we came back for a visit! 

here is little baby jackson with his ally!!

we love this park and would highly recommend anyone in the area come for a visit.  you will not be disappointed.  the summer is great but in the fall... its hard to find a more beautiful site!  

i would love to hear of more fun places to visit this summer... please share your recommendations with us!!

happy monday my friends!

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  • fort ben. considering our adventure to fort ben was a little over two weeks ago... probably time to actually document it. oops.  another not-in-real-time post for you.  #storyofmylife so. here was our little day of adve… Read More


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