Monday, June 9, 2014

it's coming! the 21 day fix!

last week, i took a big leap and ordered the 21 day fix program via beachbody (and my new beachbody coach, megan!!)  i've been scouring the internet (found this awesome blog!) and pinterest and have found so, so much information on the program and honestly have read so many great reviews.  i've been looking into it for a couple of weeks on a daily basis. it was time to make the decision!


my order is expected to arrive sometime wednesday evening and i'm starting to feel: scared/giddy/nervous/excited/nervous. lol

since i know the program will take some planning, i'm thinking i'll spend the next couple of days really reading through the materials and making plans.  that way saturday maybe jackson and i can hit up the grocery store and maybe in the evening i can meal prep for sunday and the rest of the week?  the idea sounds a little daunting but i know this is just what i need.  


it is time to change some things, especially with my diet and i'm looking forward to switching up and trying some new exercises!

i'm really hoping to document the whole process and update how i'm doing each week.  i'm thinking that keeping track of my progress will help me to feel motivated and encouraged. plus, it might be nice to have something to look back on in the future if i'm in need of more motivation.  for that to happen, i'll really have to stick to it!
(if i start on june 15th, my day 21 is on july 5th. hmm. that means i have a bachelorette party, a father's day barbacue, and the 4th of july all taking place during my 21 day fix. things could get interesting!!! ugh)


has anyone else out there tried this program or something similar? any tips or words of encouragement to get me through the next three weeks?! :)

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