jackson and i had some time on our hands this morning. daddy was running errands and helping his mom do some yard work. so. jackson and i spent the majority of our saturday together and for the most part... it was pretty great. gosh. i love this boy to pieces. our day started with dropping bella off for a hair cut... then we took jackson for a haircut of his own... and as a little treat... off to paradise bakery for a (so very delicious) blueberry muffin.
once we came home, we played and watched some super hero shows. had dinner as a family and now it is off to bed. i just really, really love saturdays. that's all. i hope that everyone is having the most delightful weekend!!
today is a very special day...our jackson quincy peed in the potty for the first time ever! some of you may think i'm crazy but i am so happy for my guy! we've been talking about potty training for months with him only having interest here and…Read More
wordless(ish) wednesday and a little flashback...turning back time to May 1, 2013 when todd was away for the evening so it was just me and my littlest man.
breakfast for dinner is always a winner. (ha).
where did that tiny baby go?! happy wedn…Read More
just about every thursday evening, i leave work, run home to let bella out and then head to pick jackson up from school. i ask him where we are off to and he happily tells me, "grandpa's house!" he knows the dri…Read More
mother's day 2014
yet another "better late than never" kind of post. how do bloggers actually blog in real time? while still attempting to get a decent amount of sleep each night? i know that breaking out my real camera and load…Read More
wordless(ish) wednesday: "it's so blue!"
just turning back time to 05.28.2011 - when we found out that our baby-to-be was a boy. probably not even five minutes later, he was named jackson quincy.
what a delightful day it was!
update - i found the vid…Read More
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