Tuesday, May 20, 2014

easter 2014 - part three

well. easter was one month ago today. so... its about time i got this last easter post actually finished up and published.  per the usual, i'll try and keep the words to a minimum and let the photos do the talking.  we really had such a wonderful day and couldn't have asked for better weather.  in fact, it was nicer in april than it has been this may so far!  

sunday, 4.20.2014:
here's how our day started... a little bit of pbs kids and books on the ipad in bed. 
and chocolate milk. 
or coffee for some people.


after a morning of lounging... it was time to get dressed for the little easter egg hunt in the front yard!

we brought lunch outside and had a picnic. i'm telling you....the weather couldn't have been more perfect that day! we spent the entire afternoon outside... only came in once it was time for dinner... ugh. looking forward to more days like that... soon!

then it was time to do a little golfing...

(sorry. i easily get obsessed with this tree in our front yard.  probably because i look forward to the blooms for months and then they maybe last a week before they are gone... so i just take a lot of pictures!)

me and my silly little man.  it is nice to actually be in pictures these days.  being bossy and making todd be in charge of the camera for five minutes is totally worth it. ;)

better late than never, right?! happy (very) belated easter... it was pretty great!

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