Monday, May 19, 2014

racing again.

i am honestly so thankful for my friend and running partner meagan.  without her words of encouragement and (as silly as it may seem) these photos, i'm not sure i'd be that interested in racing again (not ever... just anytime soon!)  she is such a positive force within my life and just all around a wonderful friend.  i am so lucky that she moved from cleveland (leaning towards 4 years ago... what?!)  and came to indianapolis. although i'm still not feeling 100% (physically - this dang nagging hip- or mentally -how do i make myself just.keep.running?) after the mini a couple of weeks ago. i am honestly looking forward to seeing what i am made of in the next couple of weeks.  the motivation has been sparked once again.  i'm ready to run with you... sole sister :)  

so here.  these are pictures that meagan took of me running my first solo race.  (please!) let the motivation continue.

thank you so much my friend.  really.  p.s. next time... tell me to do something else with my hands. what was i doing with my hands?! jazz hands? thumbs up? seriously... 

i just don't know what to do with my hands...

3 weeks until the next race. time to make it happen!

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1 comment:

  1. You are too sweet girl! We are going to rock this race. I cant wait to run it too!
    and 4 years? That is insane to me! Oh how my life has changed in these last 4 years! Sole sister (with Jazz hands) for life! :)
